自从那日在聚龙餐厅昏倒,朗馨一直发着低烧。她觉得体虚,经常出汗,时不时头痛。她去宾大校医院看了病,大夫诊断的结论是 “因精神持续高度紧张而造成的内分泌失调。”
朗馨生病的这一周,顾宇生天天都来看她:有时是早晨,有时是晚 上,有时早晚都过来。他每次来,都要带些吃的,
“喂,阿生,我是朗馨,我今天感觉好多了,头也不痛了。”朗馨对着电话,向顾宇生报告自己身体的最新情况。顾宇生高兴地说: “太好了。朗馨,你知道吗?我一早去教堂了,替你做了祷告,
接着,顾宇生又说:“朗馨,你的病好了,我心头的石头就落下了。 怎么样?你在宿舍闷了快一个星期了,今天咱们出去散散心吧。
朗馨听了“伟强”两个字,心里有一种说不出的感觉:这个人好象一出现, 她就要出事似的。第一次,在餐厅打湿他的裤子;第二次,
朗馨赶到沃尔顿商学院富兰克林铜像时,规划小组的成员都到齐了。 除了勋,还有两个人:克丽斯,说一口带浓重口音的英语,
勋等三人正在热烈地讨论,见朗馨来了,都不约而同地说: “Langxin, are you allright?” (“朗馨,你没事吧?”) 朗馨刚从处所一路赶来,出了些虚汗,略带喘息地说:“I am fine. Otherwise, I won't be here.” (“没事。如果有事,我就不会来了。”) 勋用异样的眼神看了看朗馨,说:“Langxi, I thought you were a strong person. You were sick for almost a week. That does not sound right for a person like you.” (“朗馨,你给我的感觉是打也打不倒的那种人。这一病就是大半周,可不象你啊!”) 朗馨一边从双肩背里拿出已打印好的模拟报告,一边说:“ This sickness has made me understand more about an old Chineses saying, sickness comes like a landslide, but goes slowly like spinning silk. It's so true!” (“这次,让我对我们中国的一句老话深有体会。它说:病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。说得太对了!”) 勋煞有介事地点点头,说:“I don't want to experience that. I am so happy you are back. OK, let's get started.” (“我可不愿意有那样的经历。我真高兴你能回到我们中间。那好,咱们开始吧.”)
勋见每人手中都有一份跑模型的报告,用和戴维斯教授一模一样的口气,说:“Last time, we designed a seudo city and decided three transportation planning alternatives.”(“上次,我们设计了一个虚拟的城市,确定了三种交通规划的意向。”说到这,
然后,勋看了看朗馨说:“Last time when we met, you were sick and were absent. Chris, Zag and I agreed on these three planning alternatives. I sent you an email about this. Do you have any questions?” (“上次碰头,你病了,没来。我们三人定了这三种规划的意向,我给你发了邮件,征求过你的意见,
克丽斯没想到,勋会点她的名,就用蹩口的英语说:“If we do nothing, the city will continue to suburbanize, employment centers will be shifted from city to suburbs; land in the city cannot be used according to their highest and best value and becomes wasteful; in order to maintain public services, cit will increase taxes; as the result of higher taxes, more people will move to the suburbs, leaving the poor in the city, and further suppress its real estate market; Under an auto dependent city alternative, the poor, the elderly and those who cannot afford private transportation, will form poverty due to their inability to access jobs. On the other hand, those who can afford private transportation, will further flea away from the city where the poverty is. Developers will chase consumers and continue to develop along the city edge. As people spend more time on driving, their productivity level will decrease, leaving less time to spend with the family and becoming depressed, ultimately affect the city's economic efficiency; If we promote the public transportation planning scenario, the city center will be given new life: abandoned buildings and warehouses will be reused, suburbs are connected with the city through light rail and buses; people spend less time on driving, convenience stores are located right in the neighborhood; all these will contribute to the reduction in automobile pollution, better air quality; lastly, land in the city edge will be preserved into prime land and can be used as forrest parks for leisure.”
众人不断点头,只听勋说:“Zack is right. However, we live in this market place, live in the real world. Sustainable development is against human nature. Because, most of human behaviors are for short term benefit, rarely do we consider the benefit of future generations several hundred years from now. But sustainable development concept can still be achieved through economic measures. Did you know that the political leaders from all over the world will gather in Kyoto Japan this December to control the emission of Carbon Dioxide through market intervention?”
(“扎克说得对。但是,我们毕竟生活在市场和现实中。可持续性发展的规划意向,是不符合人的本性的。因为, 我们个人的行为大都是短期行为,谁会考虑到几百年以后,为子孙后代造福的事呢?但, 可持续发展的意向是完全可以通过相应的经济手段来实现的。你们知道吗? 今年十二月,全世界的政治领袖们将在日本京都开会, 对二氧化碳的治理进行市场调控。”) 朗馨皱皱眉头,说:“How is that intervened?” (“那怎么调控啊?”) 勋说:“Each country are given a predetermined Carbon Dioxide pollution quota according to their economic activities and output. If one exceeds the allowable pollution level, they will be punished. However, one can trade with those countries cannot use up their pollution quota.” (“就是根据个国家的济活动和产出的需求,分配一定数额的排放量。如果,某个国家的排放超额了,就要受到经济制裁;但是, 排放超额的国家可以和排放仍有余额的国家进行交易,来获得额外的排放额度。”)
朗 馨 点 点 头 , 说 : “This sounds like transferring land development rights.”(“怎么好象转让土地发展权的理念一样?”) 勋 说 : “That's right. Therefore, pollution control can also be achieved through supply and demand.”(“没错。所以说,环境的治理, 通过济的手段,来调节市场对污染的供求,是可以控制的。”)
顾宇生来到富兰克林铜像前,看见朗馨一个人坐在那儿等他。他走过去,摸了摸铜像,又看了看朗馨,说:“怎么这么巧? 我跟宾大虽然有很强的业务关系,几乎你们所有的学生教授都是我的顾客, 但我跟宾大学生的私交,好象都跟这座铜像有关。我和你,还有伟强,肯定是前生修得的缘分,否则,怎么能成为这般的红颜和知己?” 朗馨听见顾宇生称自己为他的红颜,又把她和华伟强相提并论,佯装不懂地说:“ 你说谁和谁是知己?哪个和哪个又是红颜?”顾宇生一把拉起她,笑着说:“ 你就会装糊涂。走,我的车在街边停着,只放了半个小时的硬币,再不走, 罚了款, 你来付。”说完,拉起朗馨,双双出了宾大校园, 驾车前往斯谷克尔河边。