Yonghe Zhang 张永和 @baijiabZ

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Chinese Imperial Bureaucratic Culture Scandal

(2013-01-26 14:59:51) 下一个

American Huilin Institute

    A leader representing the direction of China's advanced culture, found the English lyrics of a song, " Toselli Serenade" lost. He would like to personally fill the lyrics for lost Serenade, wrote a letter to a Deputy Prime Minister to mobilize the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the music industry, publishing houses, media,in order to contribute to the leader’s "Serenade" lyrics. When the masterpiece,Toselli Serenade" with Jiang XX lyrics completed after the performance by the choir, network community uproar: the English Toselli Serenade lyrics has never lost before. Google jumped 3,550 search results. Also found this Serenade has been singing not only foreigners, Chinese have been singing. Anyone who does not dare to ask the leaders: "Since the famous songs, how can we lose it?"
    Netizens surprised: the deal on behalf of the representatives of the leadership of the direction of China's advanced culture, launching a campaign scandal of China's advanced culture, in what direction?[1]

[1] Nobel Prize Murderer —— Red-hat Scholar-tyrant http://www34.jimdo.com/app/sddf25555f6527341/p13be2f6c6eaf3738/


李岚清:江泽民同志恢复一首世界名曲失传歌词的经过_时政频道_新华网 http://news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2011-01/26/c_121023735.htm

有没有搞错: 意大利歌曲的英文版在中国失传_zhazhaba_百度空间 http://hi.baidu.com/zhazhaba/item/9470e65e17ca193594eb056c
托塞利的小夜曲英文版歌词- Jane-简的日志- 网易博客http://fzl301.blog.163.com/blog/static/140834158201112273023595/

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