根据美国综合社调查(General Social Survey),1972年美国人只有5%不相信宗教,而2007年这个比率增至16%,2022年更高达30%,去年稍为回落,但也有28%。
我很纳闷,以基督教为主的美国的无宗教信仰者(The Nones)人数在飙升,到底是什么原因呢?
皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)的调查结果显示,基督徒仍然是美国最大的宗教团体。基督徒在人口中的占比下降,主要源于主流新教徒和天主教徒数量的下降。美国福音派新教徒比例也有所下降,但相对缓慢。跨宗教通婚似乎导致了非宗教人数的增长,但基督徒比例下降、非宗教人士比例上升的背后有着更为深刻的原因 - 那就是,宗教与政治在美国人信仰表达中所扮演的角色,以及这两者的相互作用和演化发展。
Religion is disappointing when it gets too close to domestic politics, along with sex scandals and sexism in the church. No wonder many people have abandoned Christianity. I have converted to Judaism because I don't want to hear fairy tales about Virgin Mary and stigmata and saints anymore. I'd rather invoke God in Hebrew in an abstract, musical tone than think of it as my daily guide. In fact, abstract conception of God is better than concrete images carved into wood. God is not scientific, nor is it made of body and flesh.