開心 (热门博主)
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Just of two of us

(2012-09-02 19:49:18) 下一个

       Just of two of us

You have given me a second chance in life.

You've given me that love I dreamed of forever.

Happiness I been united with now that we're together.

You've touched my heart so deeply with your gentle touch.

To world I will never deny that I love you so much.

Words can't explain how thankful I am of you.

You have brought my smiles to overcome my blue.

The moments that we have shared the memories we make.

I promise your heart won't shatter or even break.

My world has changed forever now that you are here.

I miss you so much when you are not near.

I've opened up my everything to you because I trust you.

The more comfortable I am with anything we go through.

The love you and I share has made us one whole.

You have made my life complete from once an empty soul.

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子雨cool 回复 悄悄话 惊艳!
牛鲜花啊! 回复 悄悄话 哇!从字里到画面都美的叫人窒息,谢谢开心!
Alexander1 回复 悄悄话 beautiful!