他和斯丹宁在从圣安德鲁大学毕业后本来计划去挑战太平洋的,但在实施这一计划时,没有大洋横渡保驾公司做太平洋的项目。他们只能退而求次,找了一家做横渡大西洋、印度洋的公司保驾他们手划印度洋。当他们准备就绪、箭在弦上时,这家大洋横渡保驾公司破产了。他们决心已定,义无反顾地进行无支持(unsupported)人力印度洋横渡。这家破产保驾公司的总裁赛蒙·乔克(Simon Chalk),曾孤身一人横渡四大洋,给他们一句临别赠言,“保持乐观、互相帮助、享受横渡。”(Stay positive, take care of each other and enjoy it.)这句话后来对他们一直很受用。
‘One last thing, if you’re ever in a dangerous situation in which you really have to fight to stay alive, promise me you will, you’ll never give up.’
‘I promise. Everything will be fine. I’m very hard to kill,’ I said, trying to make light of her fears.
第二部分记录了他们的海上经历,如划离澳大利亚大陆架的困难、淡水制作机器的故障、船用GPS设备的损坏,船被巨浪打成倒立,以及印度洋上美丽迷人的风光。在淡水制作机器那一章,他们纠结是要天自己手工压水泵制淡水两小时, 还是喝掉船上的平衡水。当他们决定自制淡水并付诸行动时,感觉是-- Our situation felt immediately better now that we had a plan and had taken action. It was far worse to drink the ballast water each day while thinking about and dreading the pumping. When we actually started, it felt like we had a whole new purpose, a solution to what had seemed a near-intractable problem.
在印度洋上有惊无险115天后,最后一天是本书的最后部分,记载了他们在毛里求斯大港(The Grand Port)外的遇险,与死神擦肩而过。在到达大港外珊瑚礁群时,天气突然恶化。一个巨浪打翻了他们的舢板,当时两眼一黑。从水里凫上来时,发现两人都没受伤。这真是万幸,要是任何一人被船砸到,命就可能没了。更令他们惊讶的是,由于船上平衡水的作用,舢板又翻了回来。当他们挣扎着爬上了船,第二个巨浪又向他们砸来。知道船被打翻后会翻回来,他们就抢先跳进了大海。这次,船没被打翻,却被打倒很远他们游不到的地方。人算不如天算!
这种绝望的情形没有让他们灰心。那时,阿代尔想到的是女友托瑞 -- As the moon climbed through the sky, I could think of nothing but the cold and of Tory. Somewhere, a few miles away, she would be faced with the prospect of the helicopter returning empty handed. But I had promised her that if I found myself in a life-threatening situation, I would fight. At the time I had said it thinking it was only to make her feel better. The past couple of hours had changed everything. I had to stay warm. I had to see her again.
与阿代尔与托瑞的爱情相比,横渡印度洋只是小事一桩 – “Where is she?” A few meandering, drunken steps forward. “There!” Then, with another shaky step, I was holding Tory in my arms. This is my best moment, better than the squid, the glassy sea, the lunar eclipse, surfing, whales, stars, better than anything I’ve ever felt or done before.
书中描写的英法大港之战(The Battle of Grand Port)的历史也很有趣。我以前曾经和一位可爱毛里求斯小伙子一起共事,他告诉我说这是法国海军对皇家海军唯一的一次胜仗。这本书里给了一些细节也提供了参考数目。有空我会去找来读读。
It’s a page turner, hilarious but very inspiring. I highly recommend it.