linna1182012-07-26 18:54:59回复悄悄话
Another thing i forgot to mention is why it is so hard to see an elegant chancellor in Chinese Universities. All Chancellors look like farmers. Just don't look like very well educated schalors.
linna1182012-07-26 18:47:54回复悄悄话
They try to explain it was not a show. But thewir words just made the whole thing even more disgusting!! Being fake is the last thing i can handle.
要忏悔也不需要当着那么多记者和外人的面吧? 罚晚上在母亲的床前跪三天三夜。
彩排十多次—— 演出无泪!!
彩排十多次—— 演出无泪!!
大厅广众之下跪地上撅个大屁谷示人, 搂着老妈干嚎, 是自己或者老妈才被从凹丝维新集中营毒气室放出来么? 生离死别么? 这个也太下作了. 真想上去照着那个大屁谷上头给他揣一脚让他站直了. 还有老太太毫无自我控制和尊严的那张脸, 满嘴的丑陋肮脏腐败的黑黄牙齿. 看了让人气不打一处来.