borisg (热门博主)
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苹果山庄 回复 悄悄话 同意,可社会变化大,咱只能抱着良好愿望
mikecwu 回复 悄悄话 婚姻是生儿育女的必须,父母年纪大后都会感到生命尽头的接近,而孙辈则是新生命的开始,是老去父母生命的延续。这就是父母希望成年子女瓜熟蒂落,结婚成家的根本动力。

清漪园 回复 悄悄话 父母的心声啊!
alpha123 回复 悄悄话 赞同! 其实把这些话可以写给孩子们。
晓青 回复 悄悄话 不自我的人太少了,社会提倡自我呢。
亮亮妈妈 回复 悄悄话 与你的感觉有共鸣。我上学外出搞调研时有一段时间是自己一个人吃饭。怎么都觉得吃不香。当时就觉得这吃饭一定要人多,起码两个人,边吃边说话。所以得有个家。热热闹闹的特别好。
borisg 回复 悄悄话 回复 'elfie' 的评论 :

thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences. I have similar considerations and try to find some solutions. I will probably elaborate more on this when I get more mature ideas.
elfie 回复 悄悄话 I think having a few good friends is more important than being married and having children. Yes, I do love my children. But one day or another they'll leave me and have their own family and friends, or even children.
I decided I need to build a social network for myself before I get too old to get out of my house. This has never occurred to me before in my 30 s and 40 s. I was busy building my relationship and raising children. Now I realized it shouldn't be that way, I need to extend my friend circle for old ages.
Where to find like minded people? Not in churches but in the synagogue where I found whom I'd like to be with. It's a community nearby and it's a very small community where people come and go. Luckily I found a nice young woman there, who wants to befriend me. What a success! On top of my conversion, I scored friendship and kindred spirit! I love Jews. It's a small minority just like what I am, in the sea of blacks and conservative Christians in the Southeast. I've tried different groups of people, this is the right match for me. Blacks? Whites? Christians? No. Often I find them either unfriendly and guarded or biased against others, especially the local blacks. By working in a school of majority black staff for a few months, I learned it'd never work out for me. Actually the experience was terrible. No offense to anyone, those people's manners are not for me. Their culture is not for me.
石假装 回复 悄悄话 “于强调自我,忽视了让步和调和”是世界通病了,特别是独生子女那代开始。包容协调让步多是从小在养成的。
竹风_如火 回复 悄悄话 赞同,朋友,同事间相处如此,婚姻怎不更是如此呢!!