

(2007-04-10 20:51:36) 下一个
What are you rebelling against?
What have you got?

出自马龙·白兰度1954年主演(The Wild One)的著名对白。。。其实我没看过,知道是因为曾经喜欢的Black Rebel Motorcycle Club,他们的名字取自于此,叛逆,冷酷,游戏人间,桀骜不驯。。。一身黑衣,苍白的脸,吸了大麻开着摩托在高速上抽疯。。。我也想年轻十岁,玩弄一会生活,可一不留神被生活玩弄了。。。以后有个儿子,一定把丫培养成那个样子,也算是继续了前一辈人未实现的梦想。。。革命尚未成功,同志还需努力。。。

Empty spaces - what are we living for
Abandoned places - I guess we know the score
On and on, does anybody know what we are looking for...


The show must go on ...喜欢B.R.M.C并不是因为他们是一身黑衣,酷酷的苍白SB们,而是他们的成名曲Whatever Happened To My Rock \'N\' Roll,非常非常punky。。。特别喜欢其中的几句。。。

I fell in love with the sweet sensation
I gave my heart to a simple chord
I gave my soul to a new religion


The show must go on ...

周末重新看《Leon》,这个杀手并不冷,才发现我大学时候竟然没看出来那是爱情片,光记住怎么杀人,听了那么多Leon, I love you也没跟爱情联系上,不知道那时候是真的单纯还是真的愚蠢。。。很多时候单纯就是愚蠢。。。突然醒来,发现世界并非我所在,不是我不明白,这世界变化快。。。很喜欢很喜欢Natalie Portman,就连看closer那种狗屁电影,我都觉得她很好她很好。。。开始不知道是一个人,原来人酷得从小酷,要不就是装酷。。。人可以很容易装B,却挺难装酷。。。

The show must go on ...


注1: TMLGBZD=他妈了个八子的

The show must go on ...

他们来自天上天下 他们来自地上地下 他们来自人上人下 他们来自左上右下
他们早已隐匿千年 一直静静等待改变
他们后来终于出现 他们是股黄色火焰


The show must go on ...

这许多年来一直痴迷于Queen的华丽,他们的华丽可以称得上是奢华,这因为Freddie Mercury是个吸毒者,同性恋者,最后死于艾滋病,可这一切都遮挡不住他们的绚丽,在我心目里Mercury的死跟王晓波的死媲美。。。(真TNND地烦李银河,丫就是一大SB,王晓波怎么能看上她呢?)

路上听 The show must go on ,好久好久没有听了,感触颇深,才有了今天这些乱七八糟。。。



The show must go on ...

Empty spaces - what are we living for
Abandoned places - I guess we know the score
On and on, does anybody know what we are looking for...
Another hero, another mindless crime
Behind the curtain, in the pantomime
Hold the line, does anybody want to take it anymore
The show must go on,
The show must go on
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on.
Whatever happens, Ill leave it all to chance
Another heartache, another failed romance
On and on, does anybody know what we are living for?
I guess Im learning, I must be warmer now
Ill soon be turning, round the corner now
Outside the dawn is breaking
But inside in the dark Im aching to be free
The show must go on
The show must go on
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on
My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
Fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die
I can fly - my friends
The show must go on
The show must go on
Ill face it with a grin
Im never giving in
On - with the show -
Ill top the bill, Ill overkill
I have to find the will to carry on
On with the -
On with the show -
The show must go on...

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阿小名 回复 悄悄话 我今儿个得了个好玩儿的,转来转去想要送人,后来发现,除了我那宝贝弟弟,还有心爱的红豆豆,别人我都不太舍得送。得,那就搁你这儿了哈,帮我保管好喽!

>三字经 (英文版)
>人之初, At the beginning of life,
>性本善。 sex is good.
>性相近, Basically, sex is nearly all the same in nature.
>习相远。 But it depends on how the way you do it.
>苟不教, If you do not practice all the time,
>性乃迁。 sex will leave you.
>教之道, During the way of learning it,
>贵以专。 the successful key is to make love with only one person.
>昔孟母, Previously, a great mother named Mrs. Mon
>择邻处。 chose her neighbour to avoid bad sex influence.
>子不学, She taught her son that "if you doesn't study hard,
>断机杼。 your dick will become useless and broken."
>窦燕山, A famous person called Dou,
>有义方。 owned a very effective exciting medicine.
>教五子, All his five sons took it,
>名俱扬。 then their sexual ability became well-known.
>养不教, If anyone who have children but they don't know how to do it,
>父之过。 it is all the father's fault.
>教不严, If they have lots of problems in doing it,
>师之惰。 their teacher must be too lazy in telling them the details on sex.
>子不学, If you refuse to learn sex,
>非所宜。 that should be a big mistake.
>幼不学, If you don't learn it in childhood,
>老何为。 you will lose your ability when aged.
>玉不琢, If you don't exercise your dick,
>不成器。 it won't become hard and strong.
>人不学, People who don't learn sex,
>不知义。 their life will become meaningless.
beatles 回复 悄悄话 人生不如意,十之八九...共勉,共勉
无去来处 回复 悄悄话 最早听说这句歇后语儿是“小母牛晒太阳”,烤火短一个字赛的,不老顺溜。
lanyi 回复 悄悄话 其实吧戴上面具过日子也挺好很多人都挺滋润得这么过日子我看他们过得也很幸福美满每天稀拉着脸到处卖笑嘻哈最后还能得个子孙满堂的幸福晚年不用吸毒嫖娼卖唱得最后拿根针管结束生命。
DueProcess 回复 悄悄话 我怎么觉得你跟一E时代的跳大神儿的似的呢,谁跟得上你思想跳跃的步伐呀
容柳 回复 悄悄话 对于生活的困惑是生活的一种状态,大概是人在任何时候都可能面对的吧?电影《活着》比较深刻地描述了生活的状态:痛苦与希望,清醒与麻木并存。