
英译:微型小说/Micro Fiction (VI)

(2010-12-12 12:48:20) 下一个
英译:微型小说/Micro Fiction (VI)

(Original from Internet)

A 5 years old, Mom, make some red-cooked pork! OK. When 15 years old, Mom, no more red-cooked pork. Let’s make a change. OK. I will make different types of food. When 35 years old, Son, when are you coming back for dinner? Mom will make red-cooked pork. I am too busy recently. When 50,Mom will pass by your house today. Can I bring you some red-cooked pork? I will not be home. When 70 years old, Mom, I want to have read-cooked pork. There is no more response from Mom.

5岁“妈妈,烧红烧肉 吧” “行,烧” 15岁“妈妈,别烧红烧肉了,换换味道” “行,买别的菜” 35岁“儿子,啥时候回家吃一顿啊?妈给做红烧肉” “不行,最近忙” 50岁“妈妈今天路过你家,给你带红烧肉” “不行,今不在家” 70岁“妈,我想吃红烧肉” 那边,已经没有了妈妈的声音。
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