

如果爱,就告诉他吧 ---- 父亲节随想

(2010-06-14 23:44:06) 下一个

如果你留意,一定能感受到四周有许多父亲节的促销活动。只是不知道商家的此番良苦用心, 顾客是否真的领情,也不知有多少父亲会真的收到来自子女的礼物。


在北美,有一半是单亲家庭,其中又有一半以上的孩子由母亲抚养。但最近据统计,单亲爸爸抚养子女的情况有增加趋势了,其中包括有意愿在法庭上争夺子女的监护权,这现象让专家也大跌眼镜。究其根源, 越来越多的父亲开始意识到其角色的重要性。 在孩子的成长过程中, 如果说母亲是家庭的核心,号称领导,实则厨娘,保姆,司机,和撒气包,而父亲却承担的是偶像,师长,朋友,对手的角色。如果随意采访问:你的母亲和父亲对你印象最深刻的是什么?相信许多人会说妈妈做的哪道菜最好吃,而爸爸的某句话或某件事对自己人生的影响。妈妈影响孩子的胃,而爸爸影响孩子的脑袋。


在华人单亲家庭里,无论是父母谁离去,孩子总有一种挥之不去的遗弃和挫折感,抑或自卑自闭,自暴自弃,反正最亲的亲人都不要我了,谁还在乎?或是更加自尊自爱,定要有远大前程,不忍让身边人失望。 而在北美,不论是单亲父亲或母亲,教育下的子女同双亲家庭没有什么不同,励志教育同父母亲的婚姻状态好象也没有什么关系,至于父亲节礼物,也就是一张贺卡的区别吧。




无意中听到一首PAUL OVERSTREET的歌“ SEEIN MY FATHER IN ME”, 就献给那些没有收到父亲节礼物的父亲吧。望天下所有的子女,在这一天,如果爱,就告诉爸爸吧。

Last night we brought the children by to visit their grandpa
And it's plain to see they're truly part of him
While we were there their grandma took out some old photographs
Man he sure looked a lot like me back then.

I'm seein' my father in me, I guess that's how it's meant to be
And I find I'm more and more like him each day
I notice I walk the way he walks I notice I talk the way he talks
I'm starin' to see my father in me.

And today I took my wife for a walk down that old dirt road
Where my daddy took my mom so many times
And we found the time to mention things we never had before
And we shared some thoughts about the family life.

Yeah, I'm seein' my father in me, I guess that's how it's meant to be
And I find I'm more and more like him each day
I notice I walk the way he walks I notice I talk the way he talks
I'm starin' to see my father in me.

And now looking back I can recall the times we disagreed
When I could not take gold of his old fashioned ways
And the more I tried to prove him wrong the more I proved him right
Now I know why he still stood by me when I went through that stage.

I'm seein' my father in me, I guess that's how it's meant to be
And I find I'm more and more like him each day
I notice I walk the way he walks I notice I talk the way he talks
I'm starin' to see my father in me.

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