(2010-07-23 00:59:38)
其实,孩子一直是那个孩子,只是我们还不够了解他们。明明是深爱着他们,可在他们的表现和自己的期望不同时,我们没有办法管住自己的嘴巴和情绪。 “你真笨!”“我对你太失望啦”“你怎莫连这末简单的都不会“ “别的同学怎莫都会你不会“ “你是猪脑子吗?“ 所有的这些话不但不能起任何作用,还可能会把我们深爱的孩子推向深渊。自卑,没有信心,或者厌学。
"...Instead of trying to change him, we (Stephen and his wife) tried to stand apart-to seperate us from him-and to sense his identity, individuality, separateness, and worth."
"...Through deep thought and exercise of faith and prayer, we began to see our son in terms of his own uniqueness. We saw within him layers and layers of potential that would be realized at his own pace and speed. We decided to relax and get out of his way and let his own personality emerge. We saw our natural role as being to affirm, enjoy, and value him. We also conscientiously worked on our motives and cultivated internal sources of secuity so that our own feelings of worth were not depent on our children's "acceptable" behavior."
"...We found ourselves enjoying him instead of comparing or judging him. We stopped trying to clone him in our own image or measure him against social expectations. We stopped trying to kindly, positively manipulate him into an acceptable social mold. Because we saw him as fundamentally adequate and able to cope with life, we stopped protecting him against the radicule of others..."