
与润涛阎讨论: 石油泄漏而污染的墨西哥海湾真的干净了吗?

(2010-08-25 17:13:29) 下一个
与润涛阎讨论: 石油泄漏而污染的墨西哥海湾真的干净了吗?

继上次润涛阎对天安舰沉没事件忽悠后, 最近老阎又写了一篇墨西哥海湾游记,其中用科普道理来解释由于石油泄漏而污染的墨西哥海湾又转危为安。其中充满谬误,一一指出作为讨论:


[评论:既是科普,是否应该尊重最基本的科学知识,而不是生活中的常识吧: 海草有无油,得用仪器检测,色谱,质谱,色-质联用现在是基本用于石油化工物质分析的仪器。难道你的手是分离器和检测器比上帝的手的手还零,一感觉就知道有没有油,岂不知那油的含量可能小于mmp或ppm级; 要真正的检测或许还需要富集技术从成吨的海水提取油。]

原文: “其实,媒体的狂轰滥炸原因一个是金钱利益的驱使,比如让BP多赔钱,另一个是政治的操纵,比如给奥巴马脸上抹黑。但也不能排除新闻界人士的知识欠缺。很多科盲,对种群生态学、微生物学的常识一窍不通。 ”

【评论:大嘴自吹吧, 把别人说成科盲是否就说明你是个内行呢? 起码在我这个普通的读者看来,你的石油知识和微生物的常识也不足嘛】。


【评论:自以为是的自嘲吧: 对环境影响如何结论需要用科学研究来证明,至少得个几年甚至更长吧】


【评论:“任何大分子,都会被微生物降解掉的。”是无知的断言, 典型例子: 百年的沉船,里面可是含有许多大分子,有金属,和有机,氧化物。】


【评论:石油组分很复杂, 除了氢,碳外其中还含有大量的氮,氧,硫杂原子和金属原子, 而这些含杂原子的有机物质大部分是有毒或剧毒物质,对海鸟,鱼类和人类环境有危害很大,所以BP漏油需要长期的跟踪研究】


【评论:你这段话完全是误导: 大海里的一些细菌能降解某些石油成分并非全部成分,并且通常降解过程较长。“出多少石油就被消化掉多少”完全是科盲的话吧, 大海是个开放体系, 石油泄漏污染随大海水流动扩散和稀释。至于用多长时间可以消除这次泄漏的影响,需要科学跟踪研究】。

【评论:“为何现在墨西哥海湾与过去的夏天毫无二致的原因” 是无根据的结论,真不敢相信你哥们对科学是怎样的认识】

在原文的跟贴中,有网友 拉力 评论如下:


原油与海水混合后,就会改变了海水的理化参数。 而且形成一层油膜,肉眼看得见或看不见。海湾战争中,大量原油入海,先后形成三片共约1200平方公里的油膜,造成世界上最大的海洋石油污染,其污染几十年都难以消除。

换句话说, 你把墨西哥湾的海水拿去和别的地方的海水做分析,眼睛看上去都差不多,但结果会显示墨西哥湾的海水里的油粒子是别的地方多少倍的。而且这个是要很多年之后才会慢慢下来的。(这个是一个老美电视都做过的调查试验,你可以google一下)


润涛阎原文 链接: http://blog.wenxuecity.com/blogview.php?date=201008&postID=22933
寂寞、干净的墨西哥海湾 润涛阎 8-22-10
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9753 回复 悄悄话 U.S. says BP permanently "kills" Gulf of Mexico well
Sun Sep 19, 3:58 PM
By Kristen Hays

HOUSTON (Reuters) - With a final shot of cement, BP Plc permanently "killed" its deep-sea well in the Gulf of Mexico that ruptured in April and unleashed the worst oil spill in U.S. history, the top U.S. spill official said on Sunday.
Some 153 days after the Macondo well ruptured, the U.S. government confirmed that BP had succeeded in drilling a relief well nearly 18,000 feet below the ocean surface and permanently sealing the well with cement.
"The Macondo 252 well is effectively dead," retired Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen, who has overseen the U.S. government's response, said in a statement. "We can now state, definitively, that the Macondo well poses no continuing threat to the Gulf of Mexico."
President Barack Obama, whose public approval ratings were hurt by public discontent over the U.S. government's initial response to the spill, welcomed the long-awaited development as an "important milestone."
Obama said his administration was now focused on making sure the Gulf Coast "recovers fully from this disaster."
"This road will not be easy, but we will continue to work closely with the people of the Gulf to rebuild their livelihoods and restore the environment that supports them," Obama said in a statement.
On Thursday, a relief well bored into the bottom of the Macondo well to pump in cement and seal the reservoir for good. BP pumped cement for seven hours on Friday, and finished a pressure test early on Sunday that showed the well was permanently clogged, Allen said.
The development provided an anticlimactic end to the disaster nearly five months after the well ruptured on April 20, causing an explosion aboard the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig that killed 11 workers and spewed more than 4 million barrels of oil into the sea.
Tony Hayward, BP's gaffe-prone chief executive who absorbed the brunt of public anger over the spill, called the final plugging "a significant milestone," and reiterated the company's commitment to cleaning up the mess.
The spill marred the coasts of four U.S. Gulf states, prompted a ban on new deepwater drilling and left BP's image in tatters in the United States, home to 40 percent of the London-based oil giant's business.
The disaster also wiped about $70 billion from BP's market value and spurred BP to replace Hayward with an American, Bob Dudley, effective October 1.
Oil spewed unchecked into the sea from the mile-deep (1.6 km deep) well for 87 straight days until July 15, when BP engineers sealed it with a cap. By then, the well had gushed more than 16 times as much as the 257,000 barrels of oil spilled by the Exxon Valdez disaster in Alaska in 1989.
For the U.S. offshore drilling industry, which is reeling from a deepwater drilling ban imposed by the White House soon after the spill, uncertainty still abounds.
Operators in the Gulf -- long considered a haven from the political uncertainties of Venezuela and Russia -- will now have to contend with stricter federal regulations that will make it harder and more expensive to drill.
"There's clearly a sense that the page has been turned now," said Daniel Yergin, oil industry historian and chairman of IHS CERA. "It's now the day after for the oil and gas industry in the Gulf."
In New Orleans, which has seen its tourism and seafood industries hurt by the spill, word of the well's permanent demise brought little rejoicing.
"I feel like any world citizen would in this crisis -- that it was a threat to the entire world ecology," said Carey Beckham, a partner at Beckham Bookshop in the French Quarter. "I'm relieved, but the jury's still out."
(Additional reporting by Chris Baltimore in Houston, Ross Colvin in Washington and Mary Rickard in New Orleans; Editing by Philip Barbara)

9753 回复 悄悄话 美国海岸警卫队消息称墨西哥湾爆炸油井附近现石油光泽



  美国海岸警卫队发言人爱德华兹( John Edwards )当天表示,爆炸没有造成人员死亡。钻井平台上的13人都已被救起。

  白宫新闻秘书吉布斯(Robert Gibbs) 表示,奥巴马总统目前正在参加一个国家安全会议,尚不清楚他是否已知悉此事。吉布斯称,一旦接到附近海域受污染的报告,他们就部署行动。

  海岸警卫队的司令官Cheri Ben-Eisai表示,落水者被一艘近海服务船救起后送往附近的钻井平台,之后又乘飞机前往霍马(Houma)的一家医院接受检查。Ben-Eisai透露,有一名落水者受伤。但爆炸钻井平台的所有者、总部设在休斯顿的Mariner Energy, Inc.公司称没有人员受伤。

  Mariner Energy, Inc.公司目前已经知道了爆炸事件,并与海岸警卫队一道对事故做出了反应。爆炸原因目前还不清楚,但该公司在一份声明中称,他们将对事故原因进行调查。Mariner Energy, Inc.公司早些时候表示,海面上的油光表明石油正在泄漏。


  Ben-Eisai表示,7架海岸警卫队的直升机、两架飞机和三艘快艇已经分别从新奥尔良(New Orleans)、休斯顿和Mobile, Ala.出发,前往出事地点。

  当地时间9月2日上午9时30分左右,墨西哥湾再次发生海上钻井爆炸事故,爆炸地点位于4月份发生爆炸的“深水地平线”油井的以西,距离路易斯安那海岸中部的弗米利恩湾(Vermilion Bay)约80英里。