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Cecilia - Voice of the Feminine Spirit

✨ ✧ Voice of the Feminine Spirit ✧ ✨

【專輯歌手】: Cecilia
【發行時間】: May 11, 1999
【音樂標籤】: White Dove / Universal Music
【音樂風格】: New Age, Classical crossover

Voice of the Feminine Spirit


Cecilia出生於挪威位於北極圈內的一個小鎮,極地寒冷的氣候造就了她如水晶般清澈的嗓音。她從小就表現出對唱歌的熱愛和天賦,9歲時,Cecilia在電視節目中看到了歌劇《阿依達》後,便立志成為一個歌唱家。她在挪威、丹麥和德國的音樂學院進行了長達6年的學習,以優異的成績畢業.堅實的聲樂基礎使她的音域能輕鬆跨越3個8度而游刃有餘。此後,Cecilia赴美、澳等國家尋求音樂發展,並師從William Riley(威廉·萊歷——Celine Dion和Whitney Houston都是他的門下弟子)等蜚聲國際的聲樂大師繼續學習,天籟般的嗓音和靚麗的外表使她的音樂生涯青雲直上,首張唱片《Voice of the Feminine Spirit》1994年在澳大利亞發行,還未經任何市場宣傳就大賣20萬張。


Norwegian born Cecilia Knutsend possesses a haunting bell like classically trained voice. The songs inspire and soothe. This album features renowned flautist and composer Tim Wheater and lyrics by Stuart Wilde. Contains Daughter of the “Midnight Sun”, “The Sacred Hum”, “Unite the Tribe”, “Silver Wings”, “Solveig’s Song” and a beautiful rendition of “Amazing Grace (Prayer to the Whales)” with whale sounds.

Comparisons to Sarah Brightman of "Phantom of the Opera" and Celtic vocalists Enya and Loreena McKennitt are inevitable, but Cecilia has a distinctive vocal style that is uniquely her own. Her pure, bell-like voice is beautifully enhanced by the radiant backdrops of collaborator, flutist, and producer Tim Wheater. The program of strong material includes the traditional "Amazing Grace," augmented with whale sounds to create a plaintive prayer for them. Mike Rowland's "Silver Wings" is given a haunting voice by Cecilia with stirring results, and the album closes as it had opened with the Norwegian reading of Grieg's "Solvieg's Song."

【試聽曲目】 · · · · · ·

01. Solveig's Song, 1st Verse
02. The Sacred Hum
03. Love of a Silent Moon
04. Two Swans Matched in Flight
05. Daughter of the Midnight Sun
06. Amazing Grace (Prayer to the Whales)
07. Silver Wings
08. The Lion and the Unicorn
09. The Eternal Heartbeat
10. Unite the Tribe
11. Solveig's Song, 2nd Verse

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