Yes, I Can
(2010-12-19 15:01:33)
I ran 2 hours and 50 minutes for 17.5 miles this monring. Although I started slowly, I finished quite strong. That leaves space for a longer distance runing. I am training myself for a full course marathon race.
After finished my second half-marathon race, my colleages encouraged me to run the full marathon which is a real challenge to our human body. According to wikipedia, runners can store only enough glycogen in their body for running 18-20 miles. Many runners feel running noticeably difficult after that point (aka "hit the wall"). Personally I prefer the half one but I accept the challenge to run one full course.
Recent weekend running logs:
12/11/2010 (Saturday evening): 1 hour / 6 miles
12/12/2010 (Sunday morning) - 2 hour / 12 miles
12/19/2010 (Sunday morning) - 2: 50 / 17.5 miles