greenlawn2016-07-18 17:18:18回复悄悄话
回复 '西风-西风' 的评论 : Hi Zephyr, congrats on finishing the master bath decor as well as the sculpture under skylight. You are so wise on creating memories together with your daughter. I still remember the weekend time spent with my Mom during high school years. It was in Beijing. I cherish it very much. I always enjoy reading your comments, thanks a lot for them.
greenlawn2016-07-18 17:04:34回复悄悄话
回复 '穿越云端' 的评论 : 谢谢云端。要不是你催促,这集至少还要再等几个月:) 很高兴给你带来美的享受。好好装扮你的新房子,有美片来分享啊。Enjoy decorating it, have a lot of fun! :)
西风-西风2016-07-18 10:36:11回复悄悄话
love your collection. views worth million $.
but, we can have lights , sunshine, arts ,fresh flowers.
I had my master bathroom remodeled , I did the design and made all the decoration by hands. my daughter takes bath almost everyday here.
my water bill is big ( water for the garden is the major part). but thinking about she is going to collage soon ( in three more years) . something she will always remember and cherish.
my daughter and I , we made a huge mobile sculpture together. it is hanging under the skylight window.
but, we can have lights , sunshine, arts ,fresh flowers.
I had my master bathroom remodeled , I did the design and made all the decoration by hands. my daughter takes bath almost everyday here.
my water bill is big ( water for the garden is the major part). but thinking about she is going to collage soon ( in three more years) . something she will always remember and cherish.
my daughter and I , we made a huge mobile sculpture together. it is hanging under the skylight window.