
Your mode of thinking is fundamentally wrong

(2010-01-20 16:31:21) 下一个
Here is the link:

have you ever got these letters from American politicians? by noworry

It is patent untruth to say that Obama's policies, which would be considered liberal only by American standards, will lead to something resembling the Communist regime in the People's Republic of China.

You say that you don't want someone else taking care of your business, but you advocate banning gays from marrying. Why is it okay for you to involve yourself in other people's business, but not for other people to involve themselves in yours? What relevance could someone else's marriage to someone he or she loves possibly have upon your life? This doesn't even consider the fact that Obama himself has stated that although he favors civil unions, he does not favor gay marriage, a disappointing stance, to be sure.

Although you claim that conservatism is mainstream American thought, you again simply ignore the facts. Self-described conservatives do outnumber self-described liberals by a substantial margin, and as of the latest Gallup poll, conservatives do represent a 40% plurality of the American population. However, moderates, who represent 36% of the population, lean heavily Democratic in elections. Additionally, many liberals are loathe to call themselves such, because of how years of Republican attacks have poisoned the definition of the word "liberal". Indeed, 21% of Democrats identify as "conservative", even though party affiliation is a far more accurate determinant of voting patterns than self-described political leanings.

Your comments about illegal immigrants are the same hackneyed arguments that have been regurgitated by conservatives repeatedly. Most of the jobs that such people supposed take from "legal" Americans are jobs that Americans would not want to perform anyways. Indeed, there is nothing more un-American than to form a clique and systematically deny outsiders pursuit of opportunity and safety.

Lastly, it is supremely hypocritical of modern conservatives to claim that they are in favor of small government. Small government conservatism does not boost military spending and waste $700 billion dollars in an unnecessary and ill-considered war in Iraq, which has attracted so much worldwide hatred for the United States. A small government does not embark on a historic infringement of its citizenry's privacy with the "PATRIOT" Act. The faux small government conservatives of now rail against help for the nation's most destitute communities, but scream bloody murder if their Medicare benefits are cut. They want to have their cake and eat it too.
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