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How to deal with market trap?

(2005-08-13 11:07:43) 下一个
If i am a pro, i should understand the psychology of small fries who are hoping that the breakout resistance (nasdaq) will be final cheering.

so i am thinking differently to the mass, one word: trap.

the trap usually refers to breakout with false volume. I would not buy at this level for nasdaq breakout all new high without volume. and most of stupid mass always trade one long side (i have no offend to you all). I prefer to trade short side now and prepare to loss tons of money.

if i am a pro, i should understand the emotion of small fries who are so greedy and so fearful. when i told them the holiday always gifts there, they must be a listener. how stupid they are.

if i am a pro, i must use the holiday season tricks to dump all of my shares and go short. why not? the earthqick there, us and world economy will be slow down for sure next year and US all stocks are overvalue.

If i am a pro, i must know who knows money. of course, most of small fries lose underwares. but even if that, they will get a new underware to prepare to lose again untill naked.

if i am a pro, i know now every indicators from macro to micro, are traps to small fries. i will take all advantage to short them.

if i am a pro, i know these 7 trading days is a very good chance to load short positions. why not?

enjoy christmas stock gift and prepare to buy a new underware for me.
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