五月份,领取食物补助券的美国人达到超记录的4千零80万, 缘因27年来最高的失业率。
主管发放食物券的农业部表示,这个数字比去年同期增加了19%, 比四月份增加了0.9%。而且,领取食物券的期限也长达18月之久。
“世界最高生活标准 - 没有任何与美国同样的生活方式”
虽然伯南克及主流媒体一致宣称美国的经济在缓慢恢复,但是,高踞不下的失业率,及依靠政府救济,包括失业救济金的人数的却不断增加,揭露了所谓的“经济恢复”的真相。这个恢复是虚假的恢复,准确地说,是不均衡的恢复 – 恢复的是华尔街大银行,和被政府保护的利益集团。政府上万亿的救助计划使华尔街大银行飞速恢复创纪录的盈利,刺激经济计划刺激的是他们保护的利益集团和政府工程,根本没有帮助到主街的普通大众。今天,国会又要对最新救助计划投票,这笔新的救助资金是破了产的联邦政府用纳税人的钱去救助破了产的州政府,其中的100亿是用来帮助州政府“避免”解雇公立学校的老师,因为那些已破了产的,或者无法平衡预算的州政府已无力支付公职人员的工资。而这些州政府,最应该解雇的是那些无用的官僚和贪婪的高层管理人员,但他们却总以孩子的教育为借口,绑架公立教育和老师,借机勒索联邦的救助。特别是在美国期中选举的前夕,国会议员为了他们的连选,更是不惜牺牲经济的代价,用他们立法的特权,及纳税人的钱,拉拢影响他们连选的教师工会,以期得到他们的支持和选票。
这就是美国今天的经济和政治真相,腐败的政治绑架了经济,给美国带来繁荣的自由市场经济已被破坏到了崩溃的边缘,而且还绑架了世界经济。如果没有美联储的“Printing Press”的支持(用纳税人的钱),联邦政府早就会被破产拍卖了。昨天,密苏里州的选民用他们的投票否决了联邦政府的医改方案,几天前,佛吉尼亚州对医改方案的上诉也得到了联邦法院的接受。而且,越来越多的人加入Tea Party,表示对联邦政府的扩张及腐败的不满,今年的期中选举可能就是美国政治改革的分水岭。美国一息尚存的民主制度能否战胜腐败的政治,期中选举将是一个关键。
You're right in that "any system could be corrupted". The qustion is what do you do then?
Under the democracy you have a "say" to pointe it out (you just exercised it w/ out fear since protected by the very system you're so depised of) and more importantly you can together with others vote them out. While back in China you can do neither. So no matter how many instances you look at, you still simply prove just the opposite.
Common, don't be a whiner. Didn't I tell you it is not a good system in the first place?
Don't tell me you haven't learn and grow from "a few years ago!"
Whoa, you really sound like me a few years ago! Wake up ITYS, any system could be corrupted, since people can always write new law, which could be bad law to reject the old law, which could be good. And the corrut law makers are doing this in this country now, under the "best democratic system".
Wow! You've got 2 cases. And with these you try to iron out a corrupted political system? Should you have at least a bit sense of logic,it only proves opposite -- a least corrupted system, bone head!, comparing with the nation of corruptions.
If you're not biased, at least have some decency to admit that the democracy might not be a good political system, but it is damn the best system in the world now.
给你两个最近的例子来说明腐败,请去搜寻Charlie Rangel, 和Maxine Waters, 你就明白了这其实只是冰山一角。
Very strong statement! However, where is the beef? who,what,when and where? Should you list to media they would be happy to expose them; or opposition party since hired by taxpayer they were dying to use it; or FBI since paid by taxpayer for sure would investigate.
Then we'll see how you would backup w/ facts; or else chances are you would be sorry. Man up! Don't be a cheap shot.
As for what kind of democracy, ask people next to you. 9 out 10 would display to you the common sense. May the Lord help you think independently.
Who said that China does not subsidize her poor? Everyone who lost his job has $350 minimum. This minimum subsidies will increase as the cost of living rises. It has been there for years.
How do you say that the government is not corrupted when the politicians are bought by the rich and work for the rich? What kind of democracy is that?
既然你是中国美女,那俺就先回答一下你的问题:你知道自由市场的基础是什么吗? 是优胜劣汰。但是,美国政府几十年来的对各工业,金融公司的救助,就已经破坏了自由市场的基础,所以请你稍微思考一下:没有基础的自由市场,能算自由市场吗? 你说的那些异常聪明的人,就是利用政府的救助,才可以肆无忌惮地赌博,因为他们知道即使破产,政府会来救助他们的。