2009 (1)
2018 (1)
车子在等红灯,乌压压冲我们车跑过来一群人,我心一沉,难不成碰上了光天化日抢劫的歹徒?这群人以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之速冲我们车窗就洒了一桶肥皂水,然后这一通狂擦~~~ 接着就是要钱了,行啊,总比干要强吧?人家怎么还个整了个湿的~
哥哥很好奇额的炮筒,拉妹妹过来看,这个小蓝孩长得还是很帅滴哟~ 额见到帅弟弟就心软,给了他二百块~ 耐拉
快到家了,居然有大户人家在放焰火~ 夸夸额的相机,黑天快速行驶的车子里,还能把烟花拍成这样~ 太帅了!
Good writing. Yes, very original, you have to live there to feel the life.
The servant still call all the white people including light-skinned people such as Chinese Master. I had similar situation.
Nigeria is very interesting country. On one hand the people is so nice, naive. And on the other hand, a lot of people are very tricky and always try to get something from other people. A lot of infamous stories about Nigerians. One thing I knew from talking the Nigerian colleague, they don't trust each other. IF they have to buy a car from a friend, they will go to the bank parking lot, get the cash and get the car.
Never to use your credit card in Nigeria or Africa. I have been Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon, it is similar!
Good life experience and keep writing.
看见过~~~ 我这一礼拜出门一次的人,都碰见好几回....太无语了....不过我出门都是在车里,走路只有从停车场到超市或停车场到餐厅,拍的拉各斯街景都是隔着车窗,如果俺还是未婚没人管,真想带着相机一边走一边拍......
Yes, at least, Oil companies need to show they have done everything possible to protect their employees in case any lawsuits, also for Public Relationship.
By the way, thank you for sharing the photos. You have not had a chance to take photos of the naked adults in Lagos. I saw that on the street of Lagos.
Keep writing and enjoyed!
嘿嘿,oil company要求还真严咧!
There are lot of ebony wood sculptures I bought there and they are very nice to display at home. However, if you don't get the proof from the local art office showing they are not the antiques, the custom people will ask you pay under table fees. I paid $60 first time at the custom and then I got the proof (only about $10) next time having no problem at the custom.
As Jingutierrez said, a lot of bad people at the police and custom, but the people at the lower level such as servants are very nice people, down to the earth! Don't listen to Jingutierrez "得病以后再吃药 " Oil Company never allow that.
There are three major Oil Companies there: S, C and EM. I guess you work for C. Haha, I work for EM. Cheers!
呸呸呸~ 瞧我这张嘴,没想到您真是石油公司的~ 我开玩笑呢哈~ 我错了,请您原谅。
Thanks again
It is not that terrible in Lagos. I have been there three times 2001, 2005 and 2006.
It will be escorted by Armed Vehicle if you work for Oil Companies.
There is a lot of Chinese people from mainland China. One of good Restaurant/Hotels called "Grand Dragon" or something Dragon is owned by Chinese.
The better part of Lagos is in 维多利亚岛 where all the oil companies located.
Malaria is the main issue and you have to take the medicine everyday. Make sure you have the yellow book to show you have done all necessary vaccine.
Let me know if you need more info
不给三倍工资以上坚决不去!说的都很危险,其实也还好啦~ 不过真要去的话,可千万挑个白天到,白天走的航班,切记。
lagos我只在维多利亚岛活动过,其他市区部分因为安全原因,也没去过,没有发言权。拉各斯很多国人的~ 华为的最多。
没没没~ 没在非洲,在关岛呢~ 非洲不回去了,我这儿还一堆关于非洲的帖子没贴呢,容易造成误会哈~