A few mistake for visitors to Canada when choose short term rental service in Vancouver, Canada:
1, Hotel price the higher the better: Vancouver, Toronto hotel normally price is $ 200 ~ $ 300 / night, even the lowest hotel also $ 130 plus tax for $ 150 or so.
and it is only a room, no kitchen, no living room, but little space.
2, Family lodge, the cheaper the better: Many people choose family hotel or home hotel for lodging service, usually $50 - $60/night, but it is only a house,
you get a room, but kitchen, living room are shared, They run the service as prviate, no business licence, space is small, there is no privacy protection.
3, Find a friend housing service: Many tourists choose to live in a friend home to save some money, but the problem is that your friend goes to work every day,
it is difficult to have time to prepare your accommodation supplies (due to non-hotel services), Secondly, the general friend's houses are not very spacious,
so you are tourists, temporary rental, make the space crowded, there is no privacy is concerned, for a longer time, it will affect your friend and you as well
So apart from high price hotel, family lodging, friend offer, any other options for short term rental? Yes, it is an apartment-style hotel:
Apartment hotel similar to your apartment home, a one unit, completely freedom, there is no interference with the landlord, but also plenty of room for a living room,
bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, etc., furniture. Kitchen, Internet, telephone and fully equipped, just like in your own homes as comfortable and convenient,
Also in hight traffic area, travel accessible. Although the price is slightly higher than a family hotel, but about 50% ~ 80% lower than normal hotel in Vancouver
(Normally $ 70 ~ $ 90 / day), so coming to Canada to live in an apartment-style hotel is the most cost-effective (SMART) travel plan!
Easy Lodge is registered professional hotel operator (Licenced Hotel Operator), all of its hotel in Vancouver, BC are apartment-style hotel, Bedroom,
living room, bathroom, kitchen, all equipped, also, internet, local telephone service all free.
Coming to Vancouver? come to Easy Lodge! you'll get absolutely good deal!
EasyLodge is a licenced Olympic rental hotel operator registered in the government of BC, Canada. ( www.EasyLodge.net )
Note: Generally hotel or lodging price in Vancouver: Family lodging: $50 ~ $60/day; Apartment hotel: $70 ~ $100/day; Low price hotel: $140 ~ $180/day,
mid-range hotel: $200 ~ $300 / day, Luxury hotel: more than $400/day
Warning! Short term, Vacation rental Fraud, Scam
There is always fraud or scam in short term or vacation rental business, New York has, Los Angeles has, Vancouver also has the fraud.
Someone claim that he/she has very good house or condo apartment for short term or vacation rental, llike $2000/month, deposit normally request
half of the rental, like $1000 deposit, The advertisement is good. HOWEVER,
The following information is NOT available:
1, Rental phone number (even it has phone number, only $10/month for a VOIP phone, they can cancel it later when they got your deposit)
2, Rental email (they use Craigslist email for forwarding, they reply with their email, again, they can also change their email later)
3, Rental address (Even they have, and it is real address, but, they can also change it later, or it is NOT his/her address)
4, Rental business licence or hotel operator certificate
Beware of this fraud, they may disappear when they got your deposit $1000. It is dangerours to deposit money to this kind of rental service,
or non-registered business, their price or rates maybe cheaper, no tax, but for you, the customer, no guarantee for your reservation!
Only licenced hotel operator can guarantee your booking, secure your reservation for your vacation short term rental request!