Presentation: Flag
(2009-11-16 07:59:54)
主题subject: Flag
Presentation 的作业要求:
What year?
Meaning of colors
Symbols / pictures
National / song
10 minutes
China’s national flag & the national anthem of China
The People’s Republic of China’s national flag was adopted in September, 1949
This flag was first flown in Tiananmen Square on October 1, 1949 the day of the founding of the new China-- the People’s Republic of China.
The rectangular flag has a red field with five golden-yellow
stars (each with five points) in the upper left corner. The star on the left is larger than the other four.
The red color of the flag symbolizes revolution. The yellow color of the stars represent the yellow color of the skin of the Chinese people.
The large star symbolizes the Communist Part (which rules China) and the smaller stars represent the people of China who were united in revolution.
The national anthem of China is the “March of the Volunteers”
(义勇军进行曲). 此时,我把英文歌词发给老师和同学们。
You know, the national anthem of China was from a movie. During world war II, in 1934 the Shanghai Film Company produced a movie “Sons and Daughters in a Time of Storm” (风云儿女) which told of a young man who devoted himself to the anti- [anti](反战的) Japanese cause.
Tian ha 田汉wrote the drama of the movie and the theme song to the movie.
The musician Nie Er 聂耳composed the music. And it became the national
anthem of China.
March of the volunteers (义勇军进行曲)
Arise! ye who refuse to be slaves,
With you very flesh and blood ,
Let us build our new Great Wall!
The people of China are at their most critical time,
Everybody must roar defiance,
Arise, arise, arise!
Millions of hearts with one mind,
Brave the enemy’s gunfire, march on!
Brave the enemy’s gunfire, march on!
March on!
March on!
我先读了一遍,然后唱了一遍。用中文唱的,但在后面的“March on”唱了英文。