SAN DIEGO — A speeding Jeep went out of control and rolled down a steep embankment, landing on top of car on a freeway in Normal Heights.
The crash was reported at about 9:30 on the southbound off-ramp of Interstate 805 at Adams Avenue.
A woman driving a black Jeep Cherokee was apparently driving too fast when she tried to turn right off of Adams Avenue just before the street crosses over the freeway, San Diego police Officer Darrell Hoover said. The Jeep went off the roadway and rolled down the steep embankment, landing on a four-door Pontiac sedan that was exiting freeway, Hoover said.
The roof of the sedan was smashed, but the passenger side of the car sustained the worst damage. The driver of the Pontiac was an on-duty FBI agent, Hoover said.
The Jeep landed on its roof, trapping the driver inside. Rescuers freed her from the wreck. She and the driver of the other car were both taken by ambulances to Scripps Mercy Hospital in Hillcrest. Surprisingly, both suffered relatively minor injuries and are expected to recover, Hoover said.
The Adams Avenue off-ramp from southbound I-805 was expected to remain closed until about 2 p.m. during the accident investigation and cleanup, according to the California Highway Patrol.