

英文诗歌习作: Sonnet 1

(2009-09-09 13:48:54) 下一个

英文诗习作: Sonnet 1

I keep the best memory long of you,
Images from past are now still fresh and clear,
What you look like right now I do not view,
There is no reason even for me visit there.
The old wise-man taught us to be good friends,
Remain distance even in a small town;
Confucius said that you can not attend,
If places and countries are clearly breaking down.
How can you please someone when you abused,
Even worse he has never been some regretful;
But I pre-fer not to be any confused,
I forgive the bad, meanwhile be forget-ful.
Yea, things better out of sight are out  of mind
I think that is my way of being kind.

后记:第一次学着写了个 Sonnet,中译为十四行诗,甚至“商籁诗”。这次,我感觉象是第一次写成中文的格律诗。Sonnet 的每行就是以五对音节为基础,所谓“Iambic  pentameter”,penta,希腊文“五”。所以此乃西文的五言律诗而已。模仿写 Sonnet 的简单办法是学沙士比亚的150多篇作品,其中 Sonnet 18 英文母语国家中学生的必读。本人习作也是以此为范本。

对 Sonnet 的写法其实还不甚了了,这里虽然每行排出了2X5 个音节,但对轻重音的安排还不很清楚。大概是写出了五言,但其中的平仄更要讲究。文学城似乎有研究沙士比亚 Sonnet 的专门人才,望指教。在下虽然是 walk the walk, 或 walk the talk ,很少 talk the walk,但对 talk the talk 是愿意洗耳恭听的。

大概三十年前,上过沙士比亚 Sonnet 的课程。当时,大家对此毫无兴趣,期末考试糊弄过关。老教授(女老师)一辈子的心血,都成了我们的儿戏。没想到三十年后,本人却学写了一篇,一篇迟交的答卷;也算是报答她为师的辛苦。


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Midway8989 回复 悄悄话 三人行必有我师。以后还会到你的博客请教更多的问题。
李唐 回复 悄悄话
您太客气了!我哪里是什么先生。我也是一直再学习Sonnet,读了莎翁的前五十篇,才三分之一。我么,还是在walk the talk。能拿出来的只是一些学习所得。



Midway8989 回复 悄悄话 谢谢先生赐教。非常有帮助。
李唐 回复 悄悄话 Midway, 你好。


1)Iambic 抑扬格: 弱 强 弱 强 弱 强 弱 强 弱 强

2)pentameter 五步 是左右脚各迈步一次,一步一音,五步十个音节


4) three stanzas and last 2 lines

英文诗歌习作: Sonnet 1

I keep the best memory long of you, =》 'me mo ry 是强弱,应该是弱强
Images from past are now still fresh and clear, =》 ' i mages
What you look like right now I do not view,
There is no reason even for me visit there. =》 me -->my

The old wise-man taught us to be good friends,
Remain distance even in a small town; =》 'dis tance
Confucius said that you can not attend,
If places and countries are clearly breaking down. =》12 syllables

How can you please someone when you abused, =》‘some one
Even worse he has never been some regretful; =》12 syllables,re ' gret ful
But I pre-fer not to be any confused, =》11 syllables
I forgive the bad, meanwhile be forget-ful. =》 for 'give -> for 'give 13 syllables -> forget the forgiving

Yea, things better out of sight are out of mind
I think that is my way of being kind. =》being is 1 sylable
