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(2009-03-14 20:56:53) 下一个
When I was buying my first home, I was just graduated and landed my first job as a research scientist. I was 30,000 short of money for closing. I asked around all my relatives, friends, PhD classmates, co-workers, finally got more the money than I needed. I paid them all the principles and interest at mortgage rate within promised time. It\'s a win-win for everyone.

Then when I was selling my 2nd home, the buyer (a Hispanic family) cannot get the loan from the bank, then I lent them the money at the mortgage rate a little bit higher than the mortgage rate that time. They managed to payoff my loan in 2 years once they refinanced from other commercial banks. That\'s a win-win too.

第三次,亲人做生意借钱,要20万美金,本来她提出以4%借贷,我反建议不如:10万低息,年息1%,15万有息按流行的7%,平均也是4%。 但是我要求无息的先还,在无息的没有还之前,所以有息的利息就涨的很厉害,我把repayment做好后,亲人一看,觉得利息太多,怀疑我算错了,她数学不好,于是专门给会计师算,会计师确认我算的准确无误.其实这个无息的先还一确定,综合利息远远高于4%,这个亲人每月都还,还以她的business做抵押,她很感谢我,我也靠这个赚了不少,比炒股赚多了。这又是一个双赢。
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