a A Little Late
¨ Sorry I’m late. Traffic was unusually bad today."
¨ I apologize for being late. I had to drop off my wife at work. It took longer than I thought.
¨ I had a dentist appointment this morning and it was longer than I expected.
¨ I’m sorry for being late. I got stuck in every light this morning.
¨ What held you up this morning?
¨ Do you have a reason for being late?
¨ You have been late three times in the last two weeks. Is this going to be a continual problem?
¨ Your tardiness is getting out of hand. You better start managing your morning time better.
¨ I expect you to be at your desk at eight o’clock. Do you have a problem with this?
¨ I am terribly sorry. It won’t happen again.
¨ I had a lot of recent changes at home, but it’s all taken care of. I will not be late again.
¨ I’m really sorry. It’s been one of those weeks. It won’t happen again.
b Very Late
c Leaving Work Early
¨ I have to leave a little early today. Is it ok if I finish my work at home?
¨ I have a dentist appointment at four. I have to leave early today.
¨ I have a dentist appointment tomorrow at four. Is it ok if I leave early tomorrow?
¨ I have to pick up my wife at the airport tomorrow. Is it ok if I leave at three?
¨ I have a terrible headache. Is it ok if I leave early today?
¨ I’m not feeling well. I think I should get some rest. Will it be ok if I go home early today?
¨ My son got sick and I have to pick him up from school. Will that be ok?
d Sick day
¨ Martha? This is Jack. I have a fever and I will not be able to come in today.
¨ Hi Mary, I have to use a sick day today. I’m feeling terrible right now.
¨ Hi Steve, this is Mark. I wanted to let you know that I am too sick to come in today.
e Vacation
¨ Can I use a vacation day this Friday?
¨ Will it be ok if I use a personal day this Thursday?
¨ I have to catch up on a lot of errands, so can I use a vacation day on Monday?
¨ My parents are coming into town. Can I take Thursday and Friday off?
¨ I would like to use my vacation days for the first week of June. Will that be ok?
¨ Will it be ok if I take the last week of July off?
¨ Can I schedule a vacation for the second week of August?
¨ I was wondering if I can take a vacation. Can I take the first two weeks off in September?
f Late or No Show – Interactive Practice
¨ A: “Jack. Can I see you in my office?”
B: “Sure.”
A: “You have been late 3 times in the last 2 weeks. Is this going to be a continual problem?”
B: “I’m so sorry. I really got unlucky this morning.”
A: “Being late once in a while is based on luck. If you are late frequently, it shows that you are irresponsible. How are you going to fix it?”
B: “Last week, I had a lot of personal problems. I took care of all those problems and I don’t have any excuse to be late anymore. I planned on coming in to the office early today, but there was an accident that held up traffic.”
A: “You better start anticipating all problems because I’m not going to tolerate your tardiness any longer. Is that clear?”
B: “Perfectly clear. I will not be late again.”
A: “That’s all.”
¨ A: “Hey Martha, is there anything urgent that needs to be done today?”
B: “No. I don’t believe so. Why?”
A: “I have a terrible headache and I was wondering if it would be ok if I could leave a little early today.”
B: “I don’t see why not. You can make up the time later in the week.”
A: “That’s what I was thinking too. But as for today, I don’t think I can be productive.”
B: “It’s already now. What time were you going to leave?”
A: “I’m just going to wrap up and leave pretty soon. Probably in about thirty minutes.”
B: “Ok. Get some rest. If you are sick tomorrow, give me a call.”
A: “Aright. Thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
¨ B: “No. I don’t believe so. Why?”
B: “I don’t see why not. You can make up the time later in the week.”
B: “It’s already two o’clock now. What time were you going to leave?”
B: “Ok. Get some rest. If you are sick tomorrow, give me a call.”A: “Hi Martha. This is Jack. I think I caught a flu or something. I feel worse than yesterday.”
B: “You better stay home today then.”
A: “I think that will be best. I’ll log my sick day tomorrow when I get in.”
B: “No problem. Just get some rest. We have everything covered here so don’t worry.”
A: “Ok. Just in case something happens, you can call me at home. I’ll be here all day.”
B: “Ok. Thanks for calling. I’ll see you when you get better.”
A: “Aright. Thanks. Bye.”B: “You better stay home today then.”
B: “No problem. Just get some rest. We have everything covered here so don’t worry.”
B: “Ok. Thanks for calling. I’ll see you when you get better.”A: “Hi Martha. This is Jack. I think I caught a flu or something. I feel worse than yesterday.”
A: “I think that will be best. I’ll log my sick day tomorrow when I get in.”
A: “Ok. Just in case something happens, you can call me at home. I’ll be here all day.”
A: “Aright. Thanks. Bye.”A: “Hey Martha, is there anything urgent that needs to be done today?”
A: “I have a terrible headache and I was wondering if it would be ok if I could leave a little early today.”
A: “That’s what I was thinking too. But as for today, I don’t think I can be productive.”
A: “I’m just going to wrap up and leave pretty soon. Probably in about thirty minutes.”
A: “Aright. Thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow.”B: “Sure.”
B: “I’m so sorry. I really got unlucky this morning.”
B: “Last week, I had a lot of personal problems. I took care of all those problems and I don’t have any excuse to be late anymore. I planned on coming in to the office early today, but there was an accident that held up traffic.”
B: “Perfectly clear. I will not be late again.”