3月20号,正值一年一度的春分时节。清晨起来,朝窗外望去,我不禁惊喜万分:天降鹅毛,蔚为壮观。落在我户外窗台上团团洁白的绒毛,长者竟然有一寸呢!漫天大雪,纷纷扬扬,壮美之至,悦目赏心,简直回到了隆冬季节;即便是冬季,这么大的雪团也是极其罕见的。然而今天已经正好是二十四节气的春分。 Today, March, the 20th. The "Chun-feng“ 春分,-a Chinese word means a real spring day by Luna calendar dated once in a year. I got up earlier, looking out of the window, freshened and contented with a delight of an earlier spring morning. It snows, the huge snow flakes are flying in the air, megnificent! What a view. almost in a size of Inch, and inches by inches, it falls on my window, all over the place, of all, it falls tenderly, pleased to my eyes, made me happy. As if we are back in winter again. It's big snow even in the winter, . Nonetheless, it's one of the 24 seasonal days, it says, a real spring day.
春分是反映四季变化的节气之一。中国古代习惯以立春、立夏、立秋、立冬表示四季的开始。春分、夏至、秋分、冬至则处于各季的中间。此外俗语说:春分,秋分,昼夜平分。太阳直射赤道,从今天起直射点慢慢向北回归线进发。 Today, one of the days announces the change of seasons in a year. To call it Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, they start in this way since very old time, though, quite scientifically, the word "Feng",分-here means by half or share the light of a day or night. From today the direct equatorial sunlight will move away daily bringing the planet into different times of a year, seasons come.
也正为如此,草地已经开始泛出一片远看似有近却无的绿韵,娇嫩的各色小花已经破土而出,绽露笑靥;远方小溪边的依依杨柳,也已是蒙蒙如雾,淡淡如烟。本想迎接明媚的晨光,却怎生金半路杀出个程咬!早该销声匿迹的雪花,却突然在空中占尽春光,狂飞乱舞,好不嚣张!是季下错了雪,还是雪认错了季?莫非是上帝因春困打盹,一不留神让冬季用剩的雪花,一股脑从虚掩的上帝之门洒落人间? Wakened by the increasing warmth, the land turned green, a bit of slightly greenish from a far-sight, but nothing you can vision standing closer. As if you're looking at a picture of a Chinese painting. It's so fresh and in delicacy, little flowers of a kind broke up, smile at you. The soft willow at the creek-side waves in smoky mist, waiting a bright morning sun. However, it so happens, and once in a million, the mother nature is not perfect either, the snow, should have been never came by this time, but dances crazily out there. What a day, of a seasonal mistake? or as though God is taking a nap, letting it fall on to the human land with what left over from what should belong to the last winter?
然而这些冬尽式微的冷面尤物,看似风风光光,然而一旦坠落到地,旋即化为乌有。春天毕竟是春天,再冷也不是寒冬,因此容不得“倒春寒”这头怪兽东山再起,卷土重来。果不其然,没过多久,温暖的春日便逐渐从淡淡的云层中露出笑脸,把温馨的阳光慷慷慨慨地洒向大地,那些看似厚实的雪花,刚一落地就旋即被和煦的暖气吞噬,进而化为乌有。 Yet, the chilled snow flakes, dance in the cold air, pretty as it is in the winter, but it vanished soon as it lands. Yes, still cold in the spring some times, however, it's not freezing winter any more. This coldness as the last roar from a dieing monster, becoming weakened, there stand a fairly beauty of spring, with a sunlit sward in her hand, a warm spring sun came behind her shoulder, from the light pinkish clouds in the clear sky. Then the land was embraced into the bright, warm, and freshy spring sunrays.
一天之计在于晨,一年之计在于春。 让我们抓住春季这一大好时机,选定一年的目标,然后竭尽全力,使出浑身解数,奋力拼争,待到一年结束之时,尽享丰硕的收获。 If the best time of a day is in the morning then spring is surely the season to plan a year. People, West and East, seize the opportunity rendered by the Mother nature, setting a goal, by all means, and try very hard, challenge and be devoted to the moment to harvest in a year.