It's too bad that I come back to you late. I am so happy you liked that little black boy used as the Icon for my blog.
People are nowadays more and more creative in choosing a photo, or what ever shaped faces, a big eye, or character that gives certain meanings. Even gone so far to use nude bodies for pleasing the eye.
Yes, it's hard to tell what the originated mini-sculpture is, or the materials it used to form the shape are also beyond our imagination. It was actually on a book cover in prints as I first saw it, when searching on-line for a Canadian Poet, his name is also on the cover, Cyrill Dabydeen.
As it is printed on the cover, he named the book by one of his poem called:"discuss columbus" -one of the poems that he wrote in what was called "post-colonialism" in the content of world literature, of which I was so happened in learning as one of the subjects I had to deal with last year.
His poems are powerful. I am quite sure that it could be one topic one day for our "Cyber-talk" -[漫兴笔谈]大湖两地,德利一语,-the tlak over the lakes,that both of us seemed enjoying on either side.
I will send some of his poems, if I could find any, in due course when both of us are not so busy. Please kindly wait.
Will be excited to know how you progress with your "Translation" of Chinese Classics. Just "please don't work too hard, " as people used to say. Till then, I am waiting to be inspired by a topic, any of yours, as it is always, 此岸 一语 Lakeshore, a maple leaf O'er this side of the lake 元月,2009