(2012-06-21 21:20:57)
今天下班到家,闺女给我一本书,说是她今天刚买的,她相信我会感兴趣.看着厚厚一本,我以为她象以前那样,买了书自己先不看,让我先看.结果她说,她已经看完了,虽然厚,但是卡片式的,很容易读的.我拿来翻开,确实容易读,而且非常非常的吸引了我.顾不得做晚饭,我先把书给看完了,这本书不是一个人写的,是Frank Warren收集人们匿名送来的储藏在心底不敢说出来的秘密.这本书是:“PostSecret---Extraordinary confessions from ordinary lives”. Complied by Frank Warren.
I fear that I am going to be alone for the rest of my life…
Sometimes I ant to run away from home (I am 38, married with a child)
When my friends go on diets, I discourage them. This is because I really just want them to be fatter than me.
I wish my parents could see me for what I am….instead of what I did not become.
What hurts more than losing you…is knowing you are not fighting to keep me.
I haven’t spoken to my dad in 10 years…and it kills me everyday.
I am 39 years old, and almost everything I do is motivated by the desire to be popular.
I wish I were a popular idiot instead of a lonely genius.
Frank Warren 在书的结尾写到:“I like to believe that whenever a painful secret ends its trip to my mailbox, a much longer personal journey of healing is beginning---for all of us”.有些痛苦,说出来是走出来的第一步.