| 2007-10-13 05:48:26 | |
Master Huang Yong Yu has largely taught himself to paint. In thisprocess his unquenchable curiosity and genius enabled him to experiencewith many media and styles, blending them into a style that isunmistakably and unique his own. The humor and flair in his works havewon me over since the first time I saw his works.
我第一次看黄永玉大师的画是他的水浒传系列。 我再看到他一幅画的落款 “老子天下第九” 时, 就成为了他忠实的粉丝。大师宽广的思路, 多元化的手法, 鲜明漂亮的色彩, 和独特的幽默感让我爱不释手。