(2007-12-04 13:57:39)
Riding on the heels of LDK and GERN up wave, AB up to 94K. Sold 4 LDK DEC30C at 12, made 3800. DT GRMN 105C (bought 10 at 4.1, sold 20 at 5.0, other 10 bought at 5.3 yesterday), made ~ 540. Should hold this one for 6.5-7.0. Sold 1000 BIDZ at 11.6 (loss 700) to reduce margin. Sold 5 SHLD 100P at 1.2, loss ~ 2100. Bought 15 RIMM DEC105C at average 6.7 (5 at 7.2, 10 at 6.4), closed at 6.6. Bought 5 STP DEC 80C at 5.5, it closed at 4.6, paper loss ~ 500. For tomorrow, I will sell some of RIMM C, and reduce LDK 50C if it goes up more. GRMN and AAPL are strong, but RIMM is pretty weak.