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Allium senescens glaucum
Late blooming Allium, with a tufted growth habit. Flowers are pink, appear in globular umbels 3-4 cm in diameter. Flowers in mid to late summer.
Foliage is somewhat glaucous (bluish-grey) in colour.
We grow these in full sun in our rock garden.
Rated hardy zone 5, likely hardier than that.
Flower spikes to 20 cm in height, spread to 20 cm or more.
Glen's score: 7.
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晚盛开的葱,凤头潜的生长习性。花是粉红色,出现在球状umbels 3-4厘米,直径。鲜花在月中下旬夏季。
叶子是有点glaucous (蓝灰色)的颜色。
额定的Hardy区5 ,可能hardier比。
峡谷的评分: 7 。
Allium aflatunense
Common name Persian onion
Family alliaceae
Life cycle perennial bulb (Z5-9
Flowers purple clusters, early summer
Size 3'
Light full sun- part shade
Cultural notes ordinary garden soil
From seed easy, germinate at room temperature. stay small in first year, bloom second year, and more strongly in following years.
Seed ripens late August
Purple-pink drumsticks atop strappy foliage from June into summer. For some reason, ours never get as full and round as some of the pictures I've seen - maybe because they get only part-day sun.
In our garden, this plant grows in the following areas: driveway bed, side garden, back yard island, sale plot
Seed for this plant is included on my seed trade list
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Cambridge Gallery brilliant close-up photo 葱aflatunense
生命周期的多年生鳞茎( Z5还- 9
大小3 '
紫色的粉红色drumsticks上盖strappy ,赏叶,从6月到夏季。出于某种原因,我们从来没有得到充分而全面的一些照片,我看到了-或许是因为他们得到的唯一的一部分,为期一天的太阳。
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Skye Flora
Crow Garlic
Allium vineale
Other name: Wild Onion
Photo © David Fenwick
Wild Flowers of the Plymouth Area
1 Jul 2004 Plymouth
Very rare: discovered recently in rock crevices on Raasay.
Flowerhead diameter c 12-20 mm. Leaves c 2 mm wide.
Skye ID: Flowerhead consists of mostly (or all) bulbils; flowers few or none.
Other features: Smells of garlic. Leaves and stems tubular. Bulbils pink-purple. Flowers, if present, pinkish, on stalks c 10-20 mm long. Picture on left shows bulbils putting out new shoots while still on the plant. Flowerhead when young enclosed by broad papery bract with long tapering point. 斯凯植物区系
flowerhead直径c 12-20毫米。叶c 2毫米宽。
斯凯编号: flowerhead组成,大多是(或全部) bulbils ;花很少或没有。
其他特点:气味的大蒜。叶和茎管状。 bulbils粉红色-紫色。鲜花,如果目前,粉红色,对秸秆c 10-20毫米长。图片在左边显示bulbils ,把新枝条的同时,仍然对植物。 flowerhead时,年轻的密封广泛的纸质苞片长放缓点。
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Putative Allium stellatum x nutans garden hybrid
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seed parent
possible pollen parent
Allium stellatum - tall, early blooming type
This image shows the graceful habit of a tall, pale, summer blooming form of the North American species, A. stellatum. These are 2nd & 3rd generation seedlings from a white-flowered selection, originally from Canada. Notice the characteristic sideways sprays of pale pink starry flowers. Flower color in these seedlings runs from near white, light pink, and clear mid pink tones. This image is included to help illustrate the typical floral aspect of Allium stellatum.
Allium nutans
This image shows a number of color forms of the Siberian Allium nutans, included here to help illustrate the globular or spherical floral form of this species. Notice the nodding bud, thus the name nutans. Allium nutans is closely related to the ubiquitous Allium senescens, and freely hybridizes with that European and Asian species. In the hybrid plant shown below, the suspected parent is a tall, white flowered form of Allium nutans, which grows nearby in my garden.
Allium stellatum x nutans hybrid
In this view, a tall, white-flowered form of A. nutans can be seen on the left (arrow on left). Lots of A. stellatum fill the foreground, and on the right is the stellatum x nutans hybrid (arrow on right), floristically appearing quite intermediate between the two species. The individual florets however look more like stellatum, right down to the crested ovaries. The foliage too, is identical to normal stellatum, being narrow, dull green, and inconspicuous, unfortunately not inheriting the beautiful, wide, fleshy, twisting gray straps of nutans.
Allium stellatum x nutans hybrid
Among many tall wands of soft pink bloom heads of Allium stellatum, the one with the dense, fully spherical head (left) stands out like a beacon. A few other seedlings on the right also show a high bud count, but they have the sideways hemispheres of bloom typical of stellatum. The hybrid has over 200 florets packed into a ball-shaped head, the flower head looking very much indeed like A. nutans, which grows close by in my garden. Other than the floral difference, the plant's other characteristics are identical to normal stellatum.
Allium stellatum x nutans hybrid
Yet another view, with the dense inflorescence of the putative hybrid seen in the upper right, among the more open, informal heads of typical stellatum.
In the summer of 2000, several other spontaneous seedlings of Allium stellatum appeared, apparently hybridizing with Allium senescens growing close by. In this case, it was the foliage that looked different, being broader than normal, slightly glaucous, and twisting much like senescens is known to. The occurrence of these hybrids is exciting and offers promise for developing showy, late blooming garden plants.
Allium 'Ferris Wheel' (stellatum x cernuum)
Plants that seem indistinguishable between cernuum and stellatum, may in fact be hybrids. This plant was received as A. drummondii (a completely different, unrelated species). At first, it seemed obvious that this was yet another incarnation of the nodding onion, A. cernuum. Upon closer inspection however, this showy, free flowering plant has much more in common with stellatum. It is my opinion this is most likely a stellatum x cernuum hybrid.
The cultivar name 'Ferris Wheel" refers to the trademark sideways ferris-wheel-like heads of bloom one associates with A. stellatum.
[ back ] [ Allium Central ] [ PlantBuzz ] 假定葱星状x nutans花园杂交
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这个图像显示了一些彩色形式的西伯利亚葱nutans ,包括在这里,以帮助说明球形或球形花卉的形式,这种。通知点头萌芽状态,从而名称nutans 。葱nutans是密切相关的无所不在的葱senescens ,并自由hybridizes与欧洲和亚洲的物种。在杂交植物,如下图所示,怀疑家长是一个高大,白色开花的形式,葱nutans ,生长在附近的我的花园。
葱星状x nutans杂交
在此视图中,高,白开花的形式答: nutans可以看出,在左边(箭头就左) 。答:大量的星状填补前景,以及对权利是星状x nutans杂交(箭头上右) , floristically出现不少中间两国之间的物种。个别小花,但看起来更像星状,有权到卵巢冠。叶太,是完全相同的正常星状,被狭窄,枯燥乏味的绿色,和不显眼,很可惜没有继承的美丽,宽,肉质,扭灰色背带的nutans 。
葱星状x nutans杂交
在众多高大wands软粉红盛开元首葱星状,一个与致密,充分球形封头(左)站出来像一座灯塔。其他几个幼苗在右边还显示,高芽计数,但他们有侧身半球开花典型的星状。该杂交种已超过200小花被包进一个球形头,花头看十分确实想答: nutans ,增长近在我的花园。以外的其他花卉的差异,工厂的其他特征是一致的正常星状。
葱星状x nutans杂交
在2000年夏天,其他几个自发的幼苗葱星状出现,显然是杂交与葱senescens日益密切。在这种情况下,这是叶表示,期待不同,正在更广泛的较正常,略高于glaucous ,并捻很像senescens是众所周知的。发生这些杂交种是令人振奋的,并提供承诺,为发展花架子,下旬盛开的园林植物。
葱'摩天轮' ( x星状烟)
植物之间的区分似乎烟和星状,可能,其实是杂种。这个厂收到甲drummondii (一个完全不同的,无关的物种) 。在第一,它似乎很明显,这是又一次的化身,该点头洋葱,甲烟。仔细检查,不过,这花架子,免费,自由开花的植物有很大的更多的共同点与星状。这是我认为这是最有可能是星状x烟混合。
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这个图像显示了一些彩色形式的西伯利亚葱nutans ,包括在这里,以帮助说明球形或球形花卉的形式,这种。通知点头萌芽状态,从而名称nutans 。葱nutans是密切相关的无所不在的葱senescens ,并自由hybridizes与欧洲和亚洲的物种。在杂交植物,如下图所示,怀疑家长是一个高大,白色开花的形式,葱nutans ,生长在附近的我的花园。
葱星状x nutans杂交
在此视图中,高,白开花的形式答: nutans可以看出,在左边(箭头就左) 。答:大量的星状填补前景,以及对权利是星状x nutans杂交(箭头上右) , floristically出现不少中间两国之间的物种。个别小花,但看起来更像星状,有权到卵巢冠。叶太,是完全相同的正常星状,被狭窄,枯燥乏味的绿色,和不显眼,很可惜没有继承的美丽,宽,肉质,扭灰色背带的nutans 。
葱星状x nutans杂交
在众多高大wands软粉红盛开元首葱星状,一个与致密,充分球形封头(左)站出来像一座灯塔。其他几个幼苗在右边还显示,高芽计数,但他们有侧身半球开花典型的星状。该杂交种已超过200小花被包进一个球形头,花头看十分确实想答: nutans ,增长近在我的花园。以外的其他花卉的差异,工厂的其他特征是一致的正常星状。
葱星状x nutans杂交
在2000年夏天,其他几个自发的幼苗葱星状出现,显然是杂交与葱senescens日益密切。在这种情况下,这是叶表示,期待不同,正在更广泛的较正常,略高于glaucous ,并捻很像senescens是众所周知的。发生这些杂交种是令人振奋的,并提供承诺,为发展花架子,下旬盛开的园林植物。
葱'摩天轮' ( x星状烟)
植物之间的区分似乎烟和星状,可能,其实是杂种。这个厂收到甲drummondii (一个完全不同的,无关的物种) 。在第一,它似乎很明显,这是又一次的化身,该点头洋葱,甲烟。仔细检查,不过,这花架子,免费,自由开花的植物有很大的更多的共同点与星状。这是我认为这是最有可能是星状x烟混合。
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