冷冷冬夜里,起居室燃亮微晕灯火。这不打算穿上厚重衣物外出的时刻,或许你的身边有个亲密爱人的陪伴,你们轻轻相拥,温柔的眼神分享著完整的幸福;然也有可能像我一样,自己一个人,瘫在沙发上,放空地耽溺在一杯咖啡的香气中,什么也不去想。那么,《The Sweet Sound of a Whisper》,就可以成为两人世界氤蕴温度的微风,或是独居动物抚慰心灵的伴侣。
二十一首涵盖爵士、城市民谣、轻电子、流行风的美妙歌曲,抽离喧闹嘈杂的场景,沉淀著雋永柔和的旋律。轻轻的欢娱,淡淡的忧伤,在这里甜蜜不是黏腻的蜜糖;却在不经意的微微苦涩中,衬托出更多成熟大人的口味,让人不设防地一听上癮。《The Sweet Sound of a Whisper》,在不睡的深夜,忠实的陪伴著两人或一人的世界,成了让你不想停止的夜曲,直到天明…
In the depth of winter night, the glow of the fireplace fills the darkness. 21 memorable and ever lasting melodies spanning Jazz, Folk, Electronica and Contemporary Pop. Reinterpreted by artists such as Morcheeba, Asheni, Mishka Adams, and Jacqui Dankworh, they take you through the long sleepless nights with the bitter sweet music of Dinah Washington, Kate Bush, the Carpenters, Dusty Springfield and Tears for Fears, loyally keep you company, until light fills the world yet again.