

Love comes in all sizes....

(2007-06-06 22:06:55) 下一个

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Your Friends will support you....

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And respect your creativity

for thinking outside the box....

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They'll be there when you need a

shoulder to lean on....

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Or a great big hug....

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A true friend takes interest in

understanding what you're all about....

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They see beyond the black and white

to discover your true colors....

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And accept you just the way you are...

Even when you just wake up in the morning

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So make your own kind of music....

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Follow your heart wherever it takes you....

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And when someone reaches out to you,

Don't be afraid to love them back....

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They may just be a friend for life....

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Practice patience and tolerance.....

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Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave....

And impossible to forget!

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阅读 ()评论 (6)
DueProcess 回复 悄悄话 口爱滴一塌糊涂……
江湖有情 回复 悄悄话 haha...cute and lovely! :) I love pets a lot, they r really cute.
JanetSong 回复 悄悄话 Dear Wen,
My daughter would love those pictures very much! She is a animal lover, and treated them with her gentle and loving heart. I promised her to bring a cat to our home after this year's national final (She is a lovely young pianist).
yunyan 回复 悄悄话 刚拍了采蜜蜂,即兴作词, 不知能见度有多宽。 小云有幸和你握手, 谢谢
0529wen 回复 悄悄话 握手握手
yunyan 回复 悄悄话 这里真是博爱啊, 回访来了