以下是报道的全文(中英文均来自华尔街日报网站,未作任何修改)Securities Firms Tackle Pay Issue华尔街公司考虑主动减薪2008年10月31日15:03
In a sign that Wall Street is waking up to the political tempest over billions of dollars in year-end bonuses likely to be paid out at securities firms lining up for government infusions, top executives are in discussions to possibly cap their own compensation, according to people familiar with the situation.
While the discussions remain fluid and many details still must be agreed to, the talks underscore an emerging consensus among some of the securities industry's most powerful executives that the escalating pay controversy is creating yet another public-relations mess for Wall Street.
There are going to be some people in the financial-services industry who will show real leadership here and recognize the reality of the situation,' one senior Wall Street official said.
At least one major firm has looked at former PepsiCo Inc. Chairman and Chief Executive Roger Enrico's move in 1998 to give up his $900,000 salary. Instead, Mr. Enrico asked PepsiCo directors to fund scholarships for children of 'frontline employees.' Mr. Enrico still got a $1.8 million bonus that year.
至少有一家大公司在考虑百事公司(PepsiCo Inc.)前董事长兼首席执行长恩里科(Roger Enrico) 1998年放弃自己的90万美元薪水的举措。当时恩里科要求百事的董事会成员为“一线员工”的子女提供奖学金。不过他那年还是获得了180万美元的奖金。
And as Wall Street firms examine their pay and bonuses, distinctions are being made between the highest-ranking executives and lower-level traders and investment bankers who aren't widely known beyond Wall Street but could get plucked away by rival firms if compensation practices are significantly altered.
As a result, the most likely scenario in the firm-by-firm discussions is a sharp decline in compensation for chief executive officers, but fewer changes in how bonuses are paid to most employees, according to a person familiar with the matter.
Since the start of 2002, Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch & Co., Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and Bear Stearns Cos. have paid a total of $312 billion in compensation and benefits. Bonuses generally account for about 60% of total Wall Street compensation, meaning that the five firms paid out an estimated $187 billion in bonuses.
从2002年以来,高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group Inc.)、摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)、美林(Merrill Lynch & Co.)、雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.)和贝尔斯登(Bear Stearns Cos.)总共已发放了3,120亿美元的薪资和福利。奖金通常占整个金融界总薪酬的60%左右,也就是说上述5家公司发放的奖金估计为1,870亿美元。
The tried-and-true compensation model has come under fire since the Treasury Department announced plans to inject capital into financial institutions. Goldman, Morgan Stanley and Merrill are among the initial nine companies getting a combined $125 billion in government capital, fueling worries that taxpayer funds will be used to essentially subsidize Wall Street bonuses.
To the guy in Kansas making 60 grand a year and losing his house, it seems like madness to bail out firms at a favorable interest rate and see them have thousands of people making millions of dollars a year -- and it is madness,' said Alan Johnson, a New York compensation consultant.
纽约薪酬顾问艾伦•约翰逊(Alan Johnson)说,堪萨斯的某个人每年挣6万美元,还没了自己的房子,对他来说,以优惠利率救助金融公司,还要眼睁睁看着这些公司的几千人一年挣数百万美元,似乎也太疯狂了--这确实很疯狂。
Part of the problem for Wall Street is that some politicians contend that executives and employees responsible for fueling the credit crisis should now pay a steep penalty, especially since huge profits during the housing boom are being swept away by losses and write-downs. Since the start of 2007, for example, Merrill has had net losses of nearly $20 billion -- or nearly all of the profits made by the company from 2003 to 2006.
Now that Merrill is being sold to Bank of America Corp., thousands of Merrill employees are facing the ax as part of plans to save $7 billion in pretax annual costs at the combined company.
如今,美林已被出售给美国银行(Bank of America Corp.)。合并后的公司计划节省70亿美元的税前年度成本,作为该计划的一部分,将有数千名美林员工面临裁员。
While top Merrill executives are sensitive about the appearance of big pay packages, they also believe the acquisition that they engineered saved the company, meaning that they should be rewarded.
Overall, top Wall Street executives who might have earned $30 million last year could see their pay plummet to $8 million this year, predicts Mr. Johnson, the compensation consultant. Most of that is likely to come in the form of restricted stock with little or no cash. Other pay experts predict Wall Street bonuses will decline an average of 40% to 45% from last year, reflecting sharply lower revenue and profits.
At Goldman and Morgan Stanley, the two remaining major independent securities firms, compensation and benefits for the first three fiscal quarters fell 32% and 20%, respectively.
That period ended before the stock market plunged in September and October, Lehman filed for bankruptcy and the federal government mounted a series of rescue efforts propping up a slew of financial firms and markets.
Historically, Wall Street firms have tied the pay of top executives to the firm's overall profitability. Last year, Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein earned $69 million, up 28% from fiscal 2006. Many Wall Street executives expect Goldman to set the overall tone for the next round of year-end bonuses.
历史上,华尔街公司一直将高管薪酬与公司整体营利能力挂钩。去年,高盛首席执行长布兰克费恩(Lloyd Blankfein)的收入为6,900万美元,比2006财年增加了26%。许多华尔街高管都希望高盛为下一轮年终奖的发放定下整体基调。
Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack took no bonus for 2007, reflecting the firm's $3.6 billion quarterly loss from errant mortgage trades. Senior Morgan Stanley executives have recently been discussing this year's pay and bonuses, but no decisions have been made, one person familiar with the situation said.
摩根士丹利首席执行长麦晋桁(John Mack) 2007年没有拿奖金,原因是该公司因错误的次贷交易而出现36亿美元的季度亏损。知情人士称,摩根士丹利高管最近一直在讨论今年的薪酬和奖金,但尚未做出任何决断。
The wide-ranging pay talks follow demands for information about compensation plans. Some firms have considered hiring one outside law firm to represent the nine companies on the Treasury Department's initial list of capital recipients in their response to this week's demands by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo. Top traders, who can out-earn CEOs in a good year, are concerned about possible disclosure of their names and pay.
纽约州司法部长安德鲁•库默(Andrew Cuomo)本周要求获知薪酬计划的情况,广泛进行的薪酬讨论正是因此而起。针对库默的要求,一些公司已经在考虑雇请一个外部的法律公司来代表首批接受财政部注资的9家公司。年成好的时候,金融公司的顶级交易员的收入可能比首席执行长还高,这些人担心自己的名字和薪酬可能被披露。
华尔街日报:Randall Smith / Aaron Lucchetti / Susanne Craig
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