细雨 Continous Mist

Beatiful life with beatiful mind!

Roast Goose Dinner to celebrate at home 庆祝孩子满月和结婚纪念

(2011-03-11 23:49:17) 下一个

Life has changed since last Thanksgiving. 37 and half weeks pregnancy had come to the end. We finally met our kids on Nov 22, 2010. We had a boy and girl!!! What a surprise!!! Whole family came back home on Thanksgiving Day. They are truly Thanksgiving babies.

On Dec 22, our babies have reached the first milestone, one month old. It happened that date was our Anniversary as well. Let's have a simple celebration at home.
自从去年的感恩节, 我们的生活彻底改变了.37周半的孕期好不容易结束了. 11月22日, 我们终于和我们的宝宝们见面了. 真的好惊喜, 是虎娃和虎妞!!! What a surprise! 感恩节的那一天全家欢欢喜喜回家.虎娃和虎妞是真正的 Thanksgiving Babies
12月22日, 我们的虎娃和虎妞满月了. 很巧这一天也是我们的结婚纪念日, 一起在家简单地庆祝吧.

Dinner menu:

First course: Salad with Homemade Vinagrette Dressing 色拉配自己做的意大利香醋汁
Side dish: Roast Hubbard squash with brown sugar 烤美国南瓜
Bread: Homemade butter milk biscuits家常快速小面包
Main Course: Roast Goose 烤鹅
Dessert: Apple and cranberry pie苹果派

First course: Salad with homemade Vinagrette dressing 色拉配香醋酱汁
Winter is here. Salad green is limited in the garden. Picked few and added some black olives. I made my own Vinagrette dressing. Salad was brought up on the table with no time at all.
冬天来了, 菜圆中做色拉的绿色蔬菜渐少. 只找到了一些, 又加了一些黑橄榄. 做了香醋酱汁, 很快一盘色拉就摆上桌了.

Side dish: Oven roast Hubbard squash 配菜 红糖烤 Hubbard 南瓜
Home grown Hubbard squash is sweet and creamy. Cut into pieces and sprinkle a little brown sugar. Roast them in the oven made them so yummy and nutritional. They are very welcome in our family. Everyone liked them.
家里菜园里种的Hubbard squash又甜又面。切成稍大一点的块,撒上一点红糖和一点奶油,放入烤箱中烤熟,又好吃又有营养。是我们家的家常菜,人人喜欢。

Take a close look: 近看看

Bread: Homemade butter milk biscuits
With two new born babies, time is limited to get dinner ready. I had to give up our favorite homemade dinner rolls. In stead, I made butter milk biscuits. It is simple, easy, buttery, flakey and quick. Butter milk, butter, baking powder, salt and little sugar are the main ingredients. They were delicious.
忙着应酬两个新生宝宝,做晚餐的时间很有限。我不得不放弃我家传统的奶油晚餐面包,用家常快速奶油小面包取而代之,小面包很简单,松软,奶油味很足,主要原料是butter milk, 奶油,发粉,盐和一点糖。很好吃。

Take a closer look:近看看

Main course: Roast Goose 主餐: 烤鹅
A goose pad dry using paper towels. Sprinkled with salt and pepper. Then rubbed with butter and olive oil. Roasted it in a pre heated oven at 325F for 2 hours. Increased oven temperature at 350F for another 30 minutes. During the first baking, brush honey and lite soy sauce mixture every 30 minutes.
一只鹅洗净,用纸拍干, 撒上盐和胡椒粉, 再抹上奶油,烤箱欲热325F, 加好味道的鹅放入烤箱烤2小时, 每隔30分钟用蜂蜜和生抽酱油混合液涮鹅的表面. 然后烤箱温度升至350F, 再烤30分钟
A goose before going in the oven: 鹅进烤箱前的样子.

A goose is ready to serve:
烤鹅烤好了. 可以吃了.

Take a close look. It was delicious.:近看看, 味道真的很好.

Here is my plate. I ate it all and asked more... 这是我的盘子, 都吃光了, 还不够, 吃的不少吧......

Dessert: Homemade apple and cranberry pie 甜点: 苹果和 cranberry 派
This dessert is simple and easy to make. Apple pie is year round dessert. I added some cranberry and give it a twist. It turned out very good. It had the sweet from apple and had the tangy from cranberry.
The apple and cranberry pie before went into the oven.
这道甜点好吃又易做. 苹果派一年四季都适合. 我来了个小变化, 加了一点cranberry. 效果还不错,既有苹果的清香, 香甜, 又有cranberry的一点tangy. 很棒.

It is ready to enjoy. 烤好了,可以吃了. 真的很棒.

I like to say hi to everyone who care about me for the past few months. Sorry I couldn't responds your mails.  My families are doing great. I really appreciate.
借此机会象大家问好. 很抱歉我没能一一回信, 非常感谢大家的关心, 再次谢谢大家!

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OregonRain 回复 悄悄话 回复TexasChickenLittle的评论:
你好! 上次去德洲出差本想和你联系... 问好!
OregonRain 回复 悄悄话 回复深深海洋的评论:
OregonRain 回复 悄悄话 回复weston的评论:
Thanks Western!消失有原因,不好意思. 祝好!
weston 回复 悄悄话 wow, 有龙凤胎,太给力了!
深深海洋 回复 悄悄话 一直等你的好消息, 恭喜,恭喜!
TexasChickenLittle 回复 悄悄话 好久不见你了! 原来是有了宝贝。恭喜!
OregonRain 回复 悄悄话 回复加州老妖的评论:
OregonRain 回复 悄悄话 回复菫的评论:
Hi 董! 好久不见, 一向可好? 太谢谢你的关心了! 如果我没有记错, 你是在日本吧,希望你和你的家人平安!
加州老妖 回复 悄悄话 恭喜啊!
还想呢, mm这么这么久都没有发帖了
回复 悄悄话 恭喜恭喜!