由于后期制作步骤大同小异,我只做了音轨2.mp3. 我知道这个作业肯定不及格.(和我上学的坏习惯一样).
1. 原音轨为双音轨但identical. 为处理方便.将双音轨转换成单音轨存成WAV(后期处理能保持所有频段的饱满).
2. 预听音轨, 将有问题的时段标志成REGION,以便处理.
音轨2.wav 问题REGION
1. 00:02:27:23 to 00:02:28:05, 长度 00:00:00:05
2. 00:02:34:14 to 00:02:34:21, 长度 00:00:00:07
3. 00:02:40:19 to 00:02:41:09, 长度 00:00:00:13
4. 00:02:47:23 to 00:02:48:08, 长度 00:00:00:08
5. 00:02:50:19 to 00:02:51:04, 长度 00:00:00:08
6. 00:03:00:12 to 00:03:00:21, 长度 00:00:00:09
7. 00:03:06:22 to 00:03:07:07, 长度 00:00:00:08
8. 00:03:09:10 to 00:03:09:11, 长度 00:00:00:01
9. 00:03:13:21 to 00:03:14:06, 长度 00:00:00:08
10. 00:03:16:18 to 00:03:17:02, 长度 00:00:00:07
POP (Click and Crackle)
1. 00:01:28:12 to 00:01:28:12, 长度 00:00:00:01
2. 00:01:41:10 to 00:01:41:11, 长度 00:00:00:01
3. 00:01:43:21 to 00:01:43:22, 长度 00:00:00:01
4. 00:02:34:23 to 00:02:34:23, 长度 00:00:00:01
5. 00:02:36:15 to 00:02:36:15, 长度 00:00:00:01
6. 00:03:15:11 to 00:03:15:11, 长度 00:00:00:01
背景噪音 (掉东西的声音)
1. 00:01:23:12 to 00:01:23:12, 长度 00:00:00:01
3. 按不同问题处理.
1. Remove POP (Click and Crackle)
Highlight Pop region. Choose FX "Sony Click and Crackle Removal plug-in".
Define a new set and test the result. The final setting are:
Sensitivity = 18
Click shape = 7
Max click size 3.0ms
Noise level = High
Remove low frequency rumble = Yes
Apply the plug-in, repeat the plug-in when it is necessary.
2. Reduce 换气
个人认为简单的MUTE换气声会使音轨变得机械,不自然. 如果仔细听专业制作,很多歌曲
故意保留甚至渲染呼吸声音以求真实和连贯性. 但如何掌握分寸却是需要长期的经验积累.
我的做法比较简单, reduce volum (-5 or -10db)或按具体情况.
3. Reduce 背景噪音
4. 修饰,润色.
100 gain 1.6 db
300 gain 2.3 db
1000 gain 2.1 db
Wide open hall
Decay time 2.5 sec
Pre=delay 30ms
Dry out -7.0 db
Reverb out -38.1 db
Early out -20.0 db
Early reflection style: 16ms
5. 结果