y.y.2006-05-07 11:31:15回复悄悄话
not very sure, but you can bookmark the link for the blog, and then you will not lose it no matter how the "city" is "remodeled" :)
z.z.2006-05-07 09:52:25回复悄悄话
does anybody know why [作舟双壁轩] has disappeared from the front page???
i love that shortcut....!
i also share with you feel in this line!!!
amazing how a few words can reveal so much through an honest, poetic voice!!
诗人的翻译形式上“雅”了原诗。。。yes, "inner landscape"...and 兴致(interest, spirit)...
“偏无”,“只是”,暗蕴女诗人的“野”性内心,只是眠了去。。。But sleep my/Sorrow away/::
very beautiful rendering of the "inner landscape" of the orignal poem