

(2006-04-01 13:49:43) 下一个

Knowing                    (u think?!?)
(no!) ::::::::::::::::::::::::: seeing
Traces of you
on Teeth = Wordfence
      >>>>>>>           UNspeakably
sweet (i already
told ya that)
(gimme ur hands, baby)
the weight       of        your laughter
Moon thigh     +        Singing hips
Hot ears
(what heat!)
Rock      Rod       Round        Raw
skin petals         &          many limbs
(roses)         of         (roses)
Belly dance                  on your Tongue
Hum along
i long visibly
River shyly ~~~~~~~~~~ lingers
(across what song?)
You are thinly aware
Eyes closed
Happy tears…………………dried
on my listening lips
*   *   *
Traces of you (dis/re/appearing)
~~~ in my dreams ~~~
are all I have found
. . . 
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LTG 回复 悄悄话 ...居然还可以用来感受或艺术或IT或其他等等秒境而契合的秒“谛”也。。。谛"

IT = 谛 [??]

very interesting !!!

知凡 回复 悄悄话 correction: 模仿...("神韵"无人能模仿也无人能将之摧毁....)

IT is always there ... we keep looking .... getting closer ... but no one

can say "I got it".....


Traces of you (dis/re/appearing)
~~~ in my dreams ~~~
are all I have found
. . .

(你这首诗何其妙也,居然还可以用来感受或艺术或IT或其他等等秒境而契合的秒“谛”也。。。谛。。。仔细看仔细听,“耳得之而为声,目遇之而成色”。。。声色具佳。。。IT is always there ...
z.z. 回复 悄悄话 zf: “神韵”无人能模范也无人能将之摧毁....

very original thought ...

IT is always there ... we keep looking .... getting closer ... but no one

can say "I got it".....


i like your unplugged singing better :)

enjoy all your posts!!!


律周 回复 悄悄话 诗,音,画.
by水滴 回复 悄悄话 Misic background can cover the shortcome of a singer's voice. Qing Chang is like present oneself without cover..:))

I only did it once. See how you guys like it. :)

知凡 回复 悄悄话 “i was not really thinking about "美的艺术境界" except trying to capture the moment fleeting my mind's eye.....”


(across what song?)
You are thinly aware
Eyes closed


我不喜欢judge, 我喜欢感受和疑问。。。但我想反馈说这首诗给我的感受很美,另外有一种说不出的感受更美,我想说那是“~~神~~韵~~”。。。诗成有“~~神~~” “…keep "thoughts" out of the way in my new poems ”...并非容易。。。


影云 回复 悄悄话 i have come to notice that almost all the mediocre arts, lit. & poetry included, are very predictable... that is because, partly, the mediocre artists imitate a lot without transcend the real thing ....

very well said!!!
my favorite topic!!!

mediocre works are not truthful and soulful at all!!! maybe they can sense what beauty is, but they don't seek a "right" way to reach it . . . mostpeople have already stereotyped "beauty" or live in a "formed" external world! even though we talk about the inland of heart, i have to say few reaches!! [i may sound judging:)]

imitation cannot penetrate into the real thing, CORE OF IT, even forms or colors or words look similar, but the difference between art and mediocre is so easily felt!!! - - - Can a person talk exactly like another person? Maybe, can a person dream exactly like another person? I DOUBT!!!
z.z. 回复 悄悄话 yy, you touched on a very interesting subject, predictability!!

i have come to notice that almost all the mediocre arts, lit. & poetry included, are very predictable... that is because, partly, the mediocre artists imitate a lot without transcend the real thing ....

they waste time on copying stuff with their pity consciousness wrapped up in a borrowed coat.....

anyway, i can go on and on about it.....

影云 回复 悄悄话 thoughts usually come from consiousness . . . very retricted though they may sound very intellectual . . . that's why i love "thoughts" from unconsiousness or high-consciousness . . . which flows in its own "unpredictable" way . . .


art is born!!!

z.z. 回复 悄悄话 很美的艺术境界是否是下面的境界?

reader is the judge .... :)

you are the judge!!!

i was not really thinking about "美的艺术境界" except trying to capture the moment fleeting my mind's eye.....

when a poem is done, the poet has no more control in it......

cheers, zf!!
z.z. 回复 悄悄话 thanx, y.y.,

that's what i like about the new arts i have found so far.....

i try to keep "thoughts" out of the way in my new poems ....

too self-conscious will make a piece of art too immature, i think ....

影云 回复 悄悄话 to me, your recent poems are free of "thoughts" . . . very natural and truthful and poetic . . . that's what i love the most and see in watercolor paintings . . .

z.z. 回复 悄悄话 the 1st shape of the poem was very different.....

this final shape, i thought, could show how the poem moves downward until we forget the "words"....

haven't noticed the "shape of man and woman" ... :)
影云 回复 悄悄话 beautiful!!!
love it ...
shape of woman & man
in love

z.z. 回复 悄悄话 thanx, zf!!!

happy reading!!!

知凡 回复 悄悄话 难以形容的吸引力在字与字,‘福’號与‘福’號之间。。。


你的诗越来越美,越来越美。。。无拘无束的字,‘福’號。。。HARMONY在流淌。。。TRACES OF YOU。。。令人屏息,舒缓,飘渺。。。

Happy tears…………………dried
on my listening lips
