
Independence Day (图)

(2005-07-05 18:27:55) 下一个

Independence Day The sun was friendly Picking out the three native American Indians--- Homeless, unshaven Sitting on the sidewalk Outside Zupan’s Wolfing down fried drumsticks For lunch Their faces so filthy I couldn’t see their eyes Behind the locks Of dirty hair They were indifferent To the well-fed, well-trimmed Citizens passing by Without looking At them He who had the longest hair Raised his head and eyes To beg from time to time And when they done eating They threw the bones Onto the street It was said that When the natives first saw White people approaching From the sea They thought their eyes Have betrayed them For they had never seen anything Called ‘ships’ I know my eyes Betray me too, sometimes Like now Through the floating flags Fleeting automobiles And the brass band playing Star-Spangled Banner A black crow From nowhere Dashed down & picked up The chicken bones And the street in front of The three men was clean again ::july '05
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AAAB 回复 悄悄话 I watched fireworks on TV, like it, no why. ha
知凡 回复 悄悄话 "non-thinking" needs a lot of "thinking" to achieve...!!!!!!!!!!

"圣灵透彻万物",I wish I could trust someone(God or ?), and then I don't need to think anymore... 我只想顺服.....





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by水滴 回复 悄悄话 Thanks for all the feedbacks! I totally forgor "thinking" at the moment. Excited like a little girl. Thinking part only came after all the fun was gone...:)))

"烟花泡影" makes a lot of sense. Also some bright, colorful patterns against the pitch-black sky, loud nerve raking sound...very stimulous...

LTG: Aha, having someone to miss and talk for the whole evening is quite beautiful and spectacular too! :))
影云 回复 悄悄话 true, "non-thinking" needs a lot of "thinking" to achieve...
and too much "thinking" can result in "ignoring"...
LTG 回复 悄悄话 ZF,

same here :)

but you know, "non-thinking" needs a lot of "thinking" to achieve...

haha....sorry.....it's getting too "philosophical" again....forget it!
知凡 回复 悄悄话 Sometimes, I really don’t want to Thinking...... I just like illusionary things to relax......

Yes, "Firework" is just simply beautiful and full of fun!!!
LTG 回复 悄悄话 ZF: 大概与“烟花泡影”相关???

that's right....we humans seem to Love illusionary things....more so than loving imaginative art....

if it doesn't require Thinking, even better!

影云 回复 悄悄话 Agree with z.z. sometimes it's just simply beautiful and full of fun!!!
知凡 回复 悄悄话 I enjoy watching "firework" because I like "烟花泡影"......
LTG 回复 悄悄话 shui-dee,

"firework" itself IS fun to watch ... unless you are hinting at the "meaning" behind it[?]

those who have been hurt/wounded by fireworks might also enjoy watching them, if you ask :))

i didn't go this year....i sat in my yard drinking cold beer while talking to someone i care about on the phone....it was spetacular!!!!!!

知凡 回复 悄悄话 Independence day

Independent eyes
Independent ears
Independent mind
To be Independent …….

by水滴 回复 悄悄话 My comment doesn't not directly related to this poem.

In July 4th, I watched a spectacular firework show. Tens thousands people went to watch 30 mins long show. I have a question for all of you, why people (I never met one who doesn't) love to watch firework? Today, this question lingering in my mind....
LTG 回复 悄悄话 thanx, y.y.!!

you got the sharp eyes :)
影云 回复 悄悄话 平淡的语气,但强烈的对比,暗含的讽喻!!!