*** 未经作者允许,本帖内容文字图片不得转载或摘编 ***【雪花坊】巴塞尔巧克力饼
250克 ------------ 碎巧克力 (我用了150克纯黑巧克力,100克牛奶巧克力)
1/3 杯 ----------- 纯可可粉
2 茶勺 ----------- 肉桂粉
1/4 茶勺 --------- 丁香粉
2个 --------------- 鸡蛋清
50克 -------------- 白糖
3杯 --------------- 杏仁(打成粉末状)
4 大勺 ------------ 白兰地
50克 ---------------- 白糖
30克 ---------------- 粗粒砂糖
1, 用食品料理机,将碎巧克力、可可粉、肉桂粉、丁香粉混合,并打碎成粉末状。
2, 另取一盆,用打蛋器将蛋清打出粗泡,分多次加入白糖,打成硬性发泡。
3, 将(1)和杏仁粉末、白兰地,用上下翻拌的方法,拌如(2)中。
4, (3)搅拌均匀后分成2-3份小份,捏成厚板状,用保鲜膜包起来,放入冷藏室冷却半小时。干净案板上撒上一小层白糖(配料) ,将冷却后的面团擀成1厘米厚的饼胚,用直径5厘米左右直径的饼干模子压出饼干形状
5, 撒上粗砂糖,静置一小时晾干。烤箱预热到160℃。烤盘上盖一张烤箱用油纸。饼干以2.5厘米间隔,粗砂糖一面向上,置在烤盘内,入烤箱烤15-20分钟。饼干会由硬变软,再边硬。立即取出,在烤架上晾凉即可。
Basler BrunsliThe recipe for this traditional Swiss Christmas cookie is originally from
Canadian Living magazine, is modified by myself when I attempted making it.
Main ingredients:
250g ----- chopped chocolate (I used 150g dark chocolate, and 100g semi-sweet chocolate or milk chocolate)
1/3 cup -- cocoa powder
2 tsp ---- ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp -- ground cloves
2 -------- egg whites
50g ------ sugar
4 tbsp --- brandy
Additional ingredients:
50g ------ sugar
30g ------ coarse sugar
1. In food processor, pulse together chocolate, cocoa powder, cinnamon and cloves until finely ground. Set aside.
2. In large bowl, beat egg whites until foamy; beat in sugar in 3 additions, until stiff peaks form.
3. Fold in chocolate mixture (1), ground almond and brandy just until combined.
4. Divide dough in 2-3 parts, and shape into rectangles; wrap and refrigerate until firm, about 30 minutes. Sprinkle work surface with some sugar. Work with 1 piece of dough at a time. Roll out to 1cm thickness. Using a 5cm heart-shaped cookie cutter, cut into hearts.
5. Sprinkle cookies with coarse sugar and let dry for 1 hour. Line baking sheets with parchment paper; arrange cutouts, about 2.5cm apart. Bake in center of 160℃ oven just until firm, about 20 minutes. (During baking time, cookies will turn soft first and then hard again.) Transfer to racks, let cool completely.