这样的故事在老挝经常发生,在来访游客和当地的姑娘之间。由于贫穷和教育程度低,那里的姑娘很单纯,容易被诱惑,堕入爱情,可换来的多是失身或怀孕,和渺无音信地苦苦等待。。。一个老挝人跟贴愤恨地表示: what a loser and a low of the lowest coward of a normal man could have done to our own people or any people. well, perhaps he's not a man who can tell between right and wrong. what a disgraces to our own people. do you know his last name by chance? I'll tracked this f*cker down and make him pay for the the two souls that's he'd ruins。