(2014-01-17 09:38:55)
涅磐乐队有两首非常好的歌。一是come as you are,一是smell like teen spirit。节奏感特别强,歌词也好。
come as you are, as you were, as I want you to be。简单明了,但又充满了真情实意。
As a friend, as a friend, as an old enemy。真是这样,凡是认识的人,都既是朋友,又是敌人。
Take your time, hurry up。 The choice is yours。一切的选择的都是你的。想当朋友,赶着来了,就是朋友。想当敌人,磨磨唧唧不来,就越发生疏,像个敌人了。
Take a rest, as a friend, as an old memoria。休息一下,像一个朋友,像记忆中那样。memoria。记忆,记忆,记忆。
come dowsed in mud, soaked in bleach。来,浸在泥里,泡在漂白剂里。as a trend, as a friend, as an old memoria。像一个潮流,像一个朋友,像在旧的记忆里。memoria。记忆,记忆,记忆。
and i swear that i don't have a gun。我发誓我没有枪。no, i don't have a gun。没有,我没有枪。没有,我没有枪。
最近在Youtube上看到一则留言,对i don't have a gun的理解豁然开朗。原来写歌的人是说,我没有强迫你来得意思,即你爱来就来的意思。没有威胁,都是自愿的。人和人的关系,如果能这么简单就好了。有多少痛苦都源自不情愿啊?