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tom767 回复 悄悄话 Hi FlyingBird,
Just sent you the file, but I don't know if hotmail accounts have enough space to receive a 5M file. Pls let me know if there are any problems. I'll try to type the lyrics sometime and send you a copy also.
Oh my god, oh my god, Nakamura live in LA? My favorite singer in my beloved city! Damn.... I wish I never left the US! But thanks for telling me that, so I can watch out for such events in the future. He came to HK in 80's but I missed it because I had no one to go with me, though so many Nakamura fans in HK (at that time), I knew none!

Have you checked out the 2002 version of 恋人も濡れる街角 (in "Stepping Stones"? This one has a touch of Jazz to it and quite a fresh rearranged version. I must have listened to 恋人も濡れる街角 over 3000 times, so I need new versions to give my ears some rest!

Does your friend (who told you ab't the concert) have a website or something? Is that the same person who told you about Nakamura in 93? I'd like to contact him/her and share our thoughts and perhaps collections too, may I? Thanks!

Merry Christmas & happy holidays,
flyingbird68 回复 悄悄话 Tom, you are very welcome to send me the English version of it to [email protected].
Thanks also for your comments about my poor English. Donknowwhy, I found myself learned quicker in Japanese than English, even I have been studying the later much longer.

My friend in US just told me that she has missed out nakamura's live concert in LA, what a shame! I really envy her and hope I were there so I could attend, hehe.So, I can fully understand your feeling of missing out his movie.

tom767 回复 悄悄话 Nice to hear from you, flyingbird. It is good to know someone else who appreciates Nakamura's beautiful songs. Did you know that 恋人も濡れる街角 had an English version sung by a Japanese jass singer? See:
(after searching for a long time, I managed to get this rare CD recently. Will be glad to send you a copy of the song if you can provide an email)

I hope I can get a fan club established before he retires! Did you see his new movie? http://shop.store.yahoo.com/icomicshop-hk/avp---dvd-avpdvd264.html
I'm so upset that I missed it when it was on in the theaters in HongKong (I didn't know Nakamura was in it)--how often do you get to see Nakamura on the big sreen these days?...

BTW you English is very good! I thought you're a graduate student in Japan. It's good that you know Japanese so you can appreciate the lyrics more.

flyingbird68 回复 悄悄话 Tom, thanks for the message. I am also very glad to find out that you are a fan of Nakamura too, 恋人も濡れる街角,is a great song and also my favorate,the melody is just beautiful. As I wrote in my article, I am much more obsessed with him when I am bit aged these years. and thanks for god, he is still singing and playing for the time being, so it would be just wonderful if you would put your hands on setting up the fan club! Looking forward to hearing more updates on it!
tom767 回复 悄悄话 Hi Flying Bird,
I was searching for Nakamura fans on the web but found very little. I'm Chinese but cannot type it well so pls excuse the English message. I'm glad to find someone who likes his songs like you do. I love 恋人も濡れる街角 the most and it was officially voted by his fans as the best favorite.
He's got a new album out (Songs), which includes a DVD (rare for him) that features 恋人も濡れる街角. It's a live version probably performed in the 80's.
Actually I do not understand Japanese well but the melody of 恋人も濡れる街角 is enticing. I'm thinking of establishing a Nakamura fan club or something so one day there may be enough people to do to his live concert. I think he still does these mini concerts yearly. ANy interest? Anyway, hope to hear more from you on Nakamura. Cheers,
flyingbird68 回复 悄悄话 ICEICE你好,很久没见了,发现你那里又多了很多好歌和美文!
xiaosonghewo 回复 悄悄话 呵,写得好诱人哦,在日本呆了很久,却还没有用心享受一次这么彻底而充实的旅行……
IceIce 回复 悄悄话 wow,真是很享受的旅程啊!飞鸟,现在的你,一定很幸福吧,祝福你!