

我的华尔兹舞表演 (录像)

(2007-03-24 15:01:52) 下一个
这是在2004年初,我编排并表演了这段华尔兹舞。先是同一位澳大利亚来的已退休的职业选手搭伴表演(上部份)。后来又同我的业余舞伴在同年五月份的一个华人举办的舞会上给了一个表演 (下部份)。 服装也是我自己设计,然后找人帮忙做的。

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阅读 ()评论 (19)
Flamenco_Girl 回复 悄悄话 谢谢林贝卡,秋谷,和lunamia的鼓励。
lunamia 回复 悄悄话 高贵优雅, 美轮美奂, 严重羡慕!
秋谷 回复 悄悄话 真的好美啊!给我们以极大的美感和享受!我会一遍又一遍地观赏的!谢谢你!
林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 真是美的享受,多才多艺的Flamenco_Girl。
menhaoran1 回复 悄悄话 great routine - looks clean and elegant - it is difficult for amateurs.
If you know man's step, you are well-qualified to be my teacher in standard. Have not seen your latin footage yet.

Ironically, I bumped your professional partner at least 3-4 times and knew rest of people in the video, just never saw your performance.

any good instructors or fun place for dancing in VA? I knew many places in MD, just do not know VA well enough

flamenco_girl 回复 悄悄话 回复cnlady的评论:
Thanks for encouragement. What type of dancing do you like to do? I'd be glad to hear your experience as well.
cnlady 回复 悄悄话 美妙音乐翩翩舞姿真是引人入胜,



海鸥飞处 回复 悄悄话 Agree with flamenco_girl: dancing is good for both competitive and social purposes. So you can enjoy dancing in either way. A few years ago, I met a 60-year-old lady and she told me she started learning dancing about two years before then (when her husband retired). What she surprised me was that her dancing was better then many people who have learned it for a much longer time. And she even did competitions! Wow! :)

So it's never too late to learn dancing until you are laying in bed and can not move at all.
flamenco_girl 回复 悄悄话 回复40hutu的评论:
But, not everyone has to go to competitive route to enjoy ballroom dancing. For social purpose, ballroom dances are quite learnable, take your own pace, be consistent, you'll be supprised on what you can do after a year or two. Also, it can be a hobby for life long, no age limitation.
flamenco_girl 回复 悄悄话 回复lemonpu的评论:

I danced Latin and Rhythm too, including Rumba in both International and American style. But I only competed in them in my early days. I like them, but decided to give more focus on Internation Standard and American Smooth.

I can talk about it, if you are interested.
flamenco_girl 回复 悄悄话 回复40hutu的评论:

It's fortunate that you don't need to "follow the steps", you need to lead. The challenges for a leader are even higher than for a follower for International Standars style. People said: it takes 5 years to create a good woman dancer, while it takes 10 years to create a good man dancer.

But, following in movement is something not natural to many people, including myself, the positions are not natural either. Also, ladies have to ware 2.5 inch heels, run backwards, and be fast.
lemonpu 回复 悄悄话 Do you do Rumba too? I've been practing Rumba and would like to share with you if intersted.
40hutu 回复 悄悄话
Watched again, fascinating!

I'm afraid I'll never be able to follow the steps in this life. An after thought, maybe leading the steps is easier? Haha!
Flamenco_Girl 回复 悄悄话 谢谢海鸥到此地落脚。I'll write more soon.
海鸥飞处 回复 悄悄话 舞编得不错,也跳得很好,很有美感。还有别的吗?

Flamenco_Girl 回复 悄悄话 Melly, Thanks for your compliment. I started competitive Ballroom in 1998. It took lots work. I'll try to write more about dancing,
melly 回复 悄悄话 WOW! You are awesome! I wish it were me who was waltzing. totally take my breath away. How long have you danced? You look soooo beautiful. You are so elegant. 行云流水

I love the music too. Nocture from secret garden. I love the whole album.

God, I am so touched. It is fantastic.

Thank you so very much.
Flamenco_Girl 回复 悄悄话 Melly, Thanks for coming. Since you talked about Waltz, I thought I might be able to share this piece. The format was not right for YouTube at first. Finally, I got it converted. It's working now.
melly 回复 悄悄话 The video is no longer available. Why?