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China 2007 (12) - Nanjing IV (吃在南京四川酒家)

(2008-01-12 20:23:32) 下一个
Day 8 continue
Dinner was at the hotel restaurant. I can hardly remember what each dish was any more, so I guess it the best I can. :) One thing I do remember is that they were all delicious!

1. Ma Lan Tou (马兰头), some kind of weed considered by the westerners.

2. Stomach and tongue of either pig or cow (卤味拼盘).

3. Snow pea and golden needle mushroom (雪豆金针菇).

4. Pork with garlic sauce (蒜泥白肉).

5. Duck tongue (鸭舌).

6. Salted fish (咸鱼).

7. Mystery soup. I can't remember what this was anymore. :)

8. Fish fillet (鱼片).

9. Stir fry river shrimp (河虾).

10. Eel (鳝丝).

11. Geoduck soup (象拔蚌汤). I had geoduck in sushi and sashimi before. This was the first time I had it in a soup, and it was really good.

12. Guo Ba (rice crispy cake) with beef (锅巴牛肉).

13. Assorted vegetables (素炒三草).

14. Lu Hao with dried tofu (芦蒿干丝).

15. Pork ribs (排骨).

16. Duck blood, sheep stomach, and eel (毛血旺).

17. Whole fish (桂鱼?).

18. Another mystery soup. :)

BTW, The dinner cost 670 RMB ($90).

(To be continued)
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xux 回复 悄悄话 谢谢雁儿. 写游记要一鼓作气,我已经托得太久了,越来越没劲头写了,游记也越写越短. :)
雁儿 回复 悄悄话 同感。支持你。加油写! 看你的游记写那么好,我准备向你学习,多写点游记。
xux 回复 悄悄话 谢谢夸奖。写博客不为名不为利,就为给自己的生活留个纪念。要有网友喜欢就更好了。下集正在准备中。:)
常德浩 回复 悄悄话 写的真好!你的英语也很棒!

喜欢!请继续写:-) 我还要回来看!