

用 IRS 网上的免费税表自己报税

(2021-03-12 17:34:34) 下一个

本人多年来都是自己报税,具体就是到 IRS 网上下载,打印所需填写的各种表格,然后自己填写,最后复印一份留底,再到邮局以可追查方式邮寄给 IRS。这样就需要用到打印机,复印机,还要跑邮寄交邮寄费。

2020年报2019年税的时候,我尝试跟上形势,简化程序并争取以电子递交方式上交税表。在 IRS 网上研究了一下,最后选择了  https://www.freefilefillableforms.com/#/fd

这个网页报税的好处是没有收入上限,提供可填写的 IRS各种表格,可简单进行计算和查错,最后以电子递交方式上交税表。递交后反馈信息迅速,一般一个小时内就能收到IRS的初步检查结果,告诉是通过了还是没通过。我用了两年了,每次都是要反复起码5次以上才能使我自己填的税表符合IRS的验收标准。这一步是整个程序最难的一步,原因是 IRS 回馈的,关于你填表所范的错误信息,非常难以理解,需要通过它家提供的免费查错程序,将错误反馈信息转化为大家熟知的语言,加以更改后再度提交。每次IRS只是指出几个个错误,等你改正了,它才再指出另外几个错误,如此往复循环,直至所有错误都改正了,报的税被接纳为止。


Dear Free File Fillable Forms Taxpayer:
We were not able to accept your 2020 federal tax return because of the error(s) listed below.
Your Submission ID is:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Get help resolving your errors by using the Error Search Tool at https://www.irs.gov/filing/individuals/free-file-fillable-forms/search-tip. You must follow the search instructions to find solutions. (注:正确的链接应为: https://www.irs.gov/filing/individuals/free-file-fillable-forms)
When you have your solution(s), sign in to your Free File Fillable Forms account at https://www.freefilefillableforms.com. Fix your error(s) and resubmit your return. Be sure to re-enter the direct debit date (if used) and the e-file date in the Step 2 tab of Free File Fillable Forms.
If you are unable to resolve the error(s), you can mail your tax return and your payment by April 15, 2021 to avoid penalties and interest.
Here is your error(s):
Issue      : Business Rule X0000-005 - The XML data has failed schema validation. cvc-complex-type.2.4.a.  Invalid content was found starting with element 'EmployerEIN'. One of '{"http://www.irs.gov/efile":CorrectedW2Ind, "http://www.irs.gov/efile":EmployeeSSN}' is expected.
The following information may help you determine the form at issue:
Field/Xpath: /efile:Return[1]/efile:ReturnData[1]/efile:IRSW2[1]/efile:EmployerEIN[1]
Issue      : Business Rule X0000-005 - The XML data has failed schema validation. cvc-complex-type.2.4.b.  The content of element 'EmployeeUSAddress' is not complete. One of '{"http://www.irs.gov/efile":ZIPCd}' is expected.
The following information may help you determine the form at issue:
Field/Xpath: /efile:Return[1]/efile:ReturnData[1]/efile:IRSW2[1]/efile:EmployeeUSAddress[1]/efile:StateAbbreviationCd[1]
Issue      : Business Rule X0000-005 - The XML data has failed schema validation. cvc-complex-type.2.4.a.  Invalid content was found starting with element 'StateAbbreviationCd'. One of '{"http://www.irs.gov/efile":AddressLine2Txt, "http://www.irs.gov/efile":CityNm}' is expected.
The following information may help you determine the form at issue:
Field/Xpath: /efile:Return[1]/efile:ReturnData[1]/efile:IRSW2[1]/efile:EmployerUSAddress[1]/efile:StateAbbreviationCd[1]
This email was generated from an automatic system, which is not monitored for responses.



Dear Free File Fillable Forms Taxpayer:
Congratulations, the IRS has accepted your federal tax return.
Your Submission ID is:  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
If your tax return showed that you have a tax refund due to you, in about 72 hours you'll be able to track your refund at http://www.irs.gov/Refunds on the IRS website.
You'll need to enter your Social Security number, filing status and exact whole dollar amount of your expected refund.
The IRS website is updated every 24 hours so wait at least 24 hours from filing before checking the site.
You can also call (800) 829-4477 for refund status, but wait at least 4 weeks from the day you e-filed.
A few things to note:
  1. If you haven't already, it's always a good idea to print a copy of your return for your records.
  2. If you owe taxes, don't forget your payment is due by April 15, 2021.
  3. If you're paying by check, mail your payment voucher with your check. Your voucher, which includes the mailing address, is included when you print a copy of your return.
  4. If you filed Form 8379 with your return, allow 11 weeks from your e-file date before checking your refund status.
To confirm your tax return status, log in to your Free File Fillable Forms account at https://www.freefilefillableforms.com and click/select the "Check E-File Status" button.
This email was generated from an automatic system which is not monitored for responses.


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阅读 ()评论 (5)
色大胆小 回复 悄悄话 回复 'XiaoPan_DE' 的评论 : 很高兴你也喜欢。对你这样有自己报税能力和经验的,这套东西非常有用。
色大胆小 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Yu-Yuan17' 的评论 : 安全
XiaoPan_DE 回复 悄悄话 今天起来就试这个,还有Schedule 2和Form 8960没填好,特别好用!:)
Yu-Yuan17 回复 悄悄话 太好了。今年我也试试。肯定是IRS的链接吧?安全吧?
XiaoPan_DE 回复 悄悄话 感谢分享!这下知道自己填对了没有了