2007 (3)
从上海进入中国,边检入口虽然有那么多的通道,但当班的 officer 却不多,等待入境的人们排起了长队。我在加拿大不管是在超市买东西还是入境,值班的 officer
总会观察排队的人数,加派人手,而中国入境处的值班 officer 实际是个小跟班儿,没有安排人手的权力。
Thanks for being straight forward, ilovefriday! I know what I like and I know what I dislike. What I dislike won't block me from going to China. I admit I'm a little negative about Shanghai - this time, but that doesn't mean I don't like China or Chinese. You got funny logic! I don't like some items that China or Chinese still carry, and I hope they could change. If they don't want to change, that's fine. But nobody would stop me from showing that in my own way. If you do, I'm sorry. I don't mean to offend you. I did have a good trip because I felt a lot, I tasted a lot, and I saw a lot. If you don't think so, I'm sorry again but that's your idea - not mine. I will take care of myself, and please you take care of you buddy.
By the way, I never ever think violating traffic is a good habit no matter it is in China or in SF.
Didn't even imagine you would come back to check. That's good. But shame on you! You got trash in your month.
I have ever been in Fremont for 1 full year. I went to SF quite some times, and I know about SF pretty much. I don't know if you are a responsible person, but what are you trying to tell me?
Why would you give me a shit like that? It is personal attack of profanity, isn't it? I really really hope you were not Chinese, but apparently you read Chinese. Typically, you are that kind of Chinese who stay with the Internet to disgust people. I'll keep your comment there. You'd better not use that username anymore. I believe if you were in China, you are the one who violates the traffic.
其实,jujet 网友你错了,我觉得在我的朋友圈儿里,我是最不喜欢加拿大的了。每当我义愤填膺地谴责加拿大人 stupid 时,就有人说加拿大好话。老实讲,加拿大没给我什么好处,我 suffer 了很长时间才找到工作,加拿大人为人 tough ,加拿大人爱抱怨,加拿大人不会笑,加拿大人爱出错儿,加拿大人懒惰,加拿大人固执,加拿大的公司上层 politics 太多,加拿大人小国意识。那么,我到底喜欢加拿大什么呢?人少,因此环境和空气都干净;儿子在加拿大受教育,发展得不错;多伦多有好多华人、华人超市;还有我不能割舍弃的朋友,他们都是我一落地就结下的,改变不了了。
我的 comments 有点儿 negative 了,是吧?对不起,那是我的真实感受。不光是上海,其它大城市也是一样的。不过,我相信,既然有许多改变已经发生了,那么那些最难改变的也终究会改变的。谢谢你阅读我的博客!
Sorry, vwbeetle. 我其实已是一个旁观者了,我回国的心情是:我为祖国的进步而高兴;我为中国人的垢病而遗憾,但我理解那不可能是“一蹴而就”就能改变的。我没有参加祖国的建设,因而已不是那变化中的一员了。我不愿意后悔,也没法儿后悔了。中国人的改变要由那儿的人们去 make,总之,我只是一个 watcher。谢谢你阅读我的博客。