
A little story from a landlord

(2007-08-15 13:57:25) 下一个
Unlike most landlords' stories that are related to bad tenant experience, my story is about maintenance. Hope it help raise red flags to landlords who are happy with tenants.

When the rental property was put into service, it's equipped with an old dishwasher, and to make it worse, we did the installation by ourselves, hoping to save some cheap money. After tenants moving in, they complained about the noise the dishwasher made and also told us the dishwasher shook badly during operation, but we never gave it enough attention as long as rent was received. About 6 months ago, tenant told us there was small leaking from dishwasher ("one or two drops" in his original words which was small enough to trigger nothing but ignorance), and requested replacement. Dragging this issue long enough till all the excuses were used up, we finally agreed to replace the dishwasher. But it's too late. We received a claim from neighbor's insurance company whose carpet was damaged by water. As his unit shares the same wall with our unit, inspection shows the damage is due to our dishwasher which is next to the common wall. Insurance company covered the cost except for mold that costs us over $2100. Ouch!!! An entry level dishwasher plus professional installation would cost below 500 bucks and will last for couple of years. A lesson learned in a hard way!

Memo: Never postpone fixing the minor issue that could turn into disaster sooner or later. And always have enough insurance coverage!
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