


(2005-03-29 12:25:05) 下一个

上周末去Anza Borrego State Park看野花。野花没看到多少,倒是人面桃花相映红。刘德华顺利入围。苦海无边,我终于上岸了。从此以后周末不必再约见闲杂人等,一心一意。

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阿姗 回复 悄悄话 Happy for you. We have similar experience. We are even the same age and I have dated hundreds of guys in LA area of various ages and backgrounds. It's just as bad for the guys as for the girls. The more I dated the less hopeful I became. I left LA for 3 years and the situation got worse (guys are less interesting elsewhere). A few months ago one of my ex-dates introduced his friend to me, and finally, my turn had come! (It was ironic because my new bf and I used to live only 3 blocks away but all those years we lamented how difficult it was to find someone in LA.) I started a blog about all these too, but now I'm too happy to continue the blog. I hope the same for you! If we don't read any more of your dating dairy, let's hope it's because you are happy living a shared life.

I'm moving back to LA. Maybe we can make friends....
maya_wh 回复 悄悄话 cong!