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[单曲]《Do you remember》by Jack Johnson

(2007-03-11 00:25:49) 下一个


  喜欢Jack Johnson的音乐,自然、安祥、亲切,听他的歌总能觉得像地中海灿烂的阳光,晒在身上暖洋洋、懒洋洋,有一种慵懒、随性、舒服的自在感。Jack Johnson擅长创作气氛好、感觉对的音乐,简单的空心吉他搭配他温煦柔和的嗓音,仿佛就是Jack Johnson音乐的全部,让人感觉轻松而舒适……


Do you remember                 by Jack Johnson

Do you remember by Jack Johnson
Do you remember when we first met? I sure do
It was some time in early September
You were lazy about it, you made me wait around
I was so crazy about you, I didn't mind

So I was late for class, I locked my bike to yours
It wasn't hard to find, you painted flowers on
I guess that I was afraid that if you rolled away
You might not roll back my direction really soon

But I was crazy about you then and now
The craziest thing of all, over ten years have gone by
And you're still mine, we're locked in time
Let's rewind

Do you remember when we first moved in together?
The piano took up the living room
You played me boogie-woogie I played you love songs
You'd say we're playing house now you still say we are

We built our getaway up in a tree we found
We felt so far away but we were still in town
Now I remember watching that old tree burn down
I took a picture that I don't like to look at

Well all these times they come and go
And alone don't seem so long
Over ten years have gone by
We can't rewind, we're locked in time
But you're still mine
Do you remember?

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